grief counselling

Is there anyone on this site finding it difficult to get grief counselling in the Bristol or surrounding areas without a waiting list??

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Hi i live in Maidstone kent and have been waiting for counselling for nearly 2 months

Hi sue11
It just seems to me there is no help when you need it the most in most areas unless you go private and pay through the nose for it I find this site helpfull But sometimes I think some of us need that bit more help
take care steve xx

Yes you are so right they tell you to get help but when you try there is always a long waiting list and i do not have the money to go private and yes the site is really helpful take care sue xx

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I live in Northamptonshire and had to wait 7 months for counseling with Cruse. I was beginning to wonder if I still needed it, but it has been worth the wait.
I never realised until I started it how much I needed to be able to talk, certainly takes you in directions I hadn’t expected.
Good luck I hope you hear something soon.
Debbie x


Hi i had counselling when i lost my Mum to cancer Oct 2019 it really help but now i have lost my husband to cancer Oct last year its brought it all back again and i keep thinking to myself why did my mum have to suffer so much and also my husband finding so hard as my mum passed on the 8th Oct 2019 and my husband on the 20th Oct last year was still trying to get over the the lost of my mum now also my husband

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Hi sue11
found a site done through NHS called VITA HEALTH GROUP there is one based in kent if that helps
steve xx


Thank you so much will look them up xx

I have a small connection with kent my wife was born in Farnborough which prior to 1965 came under the county of kent she grew up around chatham and the dockyards Thought I would share that with you
steve xx