Grief depression

Lost dad almost 4 years ago was fine at the start but now feeling it alot worse also wife had misscarriage last year head not in a good place

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Sorry to hear your sad news. I really find the pain comes and goes more at some times than ithers. I think you can’t control it and it’s so hard. Wishing you and your wife well.

Thanks very much feel like everything crumbling my dads sister died a year later my dad died my dads other sister is ill its never ending

Sorry about your mum my dad dead 4 years this year a was doing fine now its back with a bang they say it gets easier am not finding it to be

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Yes that is how I feel never ending.
Hearing more and more. I go to a group where all in same boat. It is 18 months since my husband died but doesn’t end. But I did forget that today my baby died 42 years ago until Facebook reminded me. I haven’t forgotten him because of all those years just the date being today but when I look at my diary and realize what the date is it would have clicked.
I did tidy his grave up recently though in anticipation.
It still comes in waves about the grief of so much.
As they say get used to it being there and live with them inside you.

Its like starting life over again with the loss thats for sure every day brings a new challenge who thought life be so tough its a constant battle

Yes I do think that it doesnt get easier, at least not for a long time I expect. People expect you to go back to normal yet it hits you over and over again. Hopefully in time it becomes bearable.

Deffo life isnt normal now its a constant and tiering day it doesnt get better its just crap

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