Grief for my man

@Sophie_Ashley Such a young age for both of you to lose out on life. Your wife through death and you through grief.

Have you tried counselling or hypnotherapy. You need to let it out before it eats you up. You have such a long life to live and I’m sure your wife will want you to live it.

Starting here and knowing we’re all are dealing with such a dreadful experience and we can support each other in ways that others can’t is good.

My poor brother is also going to go through this. His wife has terminal ovarian cancer. She is currently being kept feeling well by chemo but they have been told this respite is months not years and the cancer is starting to fight back. They are working through her bucket list and making the most of every day but he knows what is coming. I feel terrible that he will feel like this

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@Pudding that’s so hard and yes, I have so much more empathy for those that have lost our going to lose a loved one.

There’s so damn many of us! It’s heartbreaking.

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It will really hit him very hard as although he doesn’t look like it he is a published poet and has a gentle soul.

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Yes I have meltdowns can’t walk can’t talk just gutteral sobs snd severe pain. I can’t go shopping or on a bus on my own I have fantastic support from my family but I just want him back so badly. I try my best as he would be so sad to see me like this. I was strong people thought but I was only strong when I was with him


I seem to be getting worse rather than better. All I did yesterday was cry. I have been trying not to today. I hope my assessment for therapy goes ok Friday and I don’t have to wait too long for it to start. I am just so utterly lost without him.

I know I feel the same. My family snd friends are wonderful they take me out for walks or to their homes snd gardens. They grieve with me but I need to be on my own sometimes to scream snd cry. The pain is unbearable. I know I will never see him touch him talk to him again (we were great talkers and cuddles and still lovers st age 80 ) he was my world as your husband was yours. I can’t give you any words of comfort because I can’t even comfort my self. Everyone oh you have such happy memories but I want to make new memories with him not suffer the pain from the old memories.

Yep totally get that … we WERE strong when we had them :frowning: xx

Time is just distorted. It is only coming up for 8 weeks but I feel like he has been gone forever.


I had felt the same three weeks after my husband died unexpected we had a wedding of my sister to attend i felt i really did not want to go but felt obligated as she was my sister so i took my daughter and when i got there she had a big photo of my husband on the table so i felt like he was there,if it wasn’t my sister i would not of gone as it was very hard watching everyone enjoying themselves


Well done you for attending. My son got married three months after my husband died and they had a memorial table for him. Us getting married, pictures of the kids and grandkids - it was really lovely. It wasn’t an easy day but I felt he was beside me all the time.
