Grief hangover

just wondered if anyone else feels the same sensation of a death hangover.

I can never shake this grief. it does not help I am single but there it is.

I was an only child enmeshed with her mother and father, married 60 years. I think I need a psychologist to sort out some things. I was strong and independent but that leads to nowhere. Regardless, they have been gone over six years and I still, when I am not distracted, dealing with their loss.

it is like a hangover that never goes away. i do all the right things but it also means how deep was a bond with someone and one can be grateful for that.


I’m sorry you’re struggling. :heart: Being single is certainly not helpful when grieving, I am too and have also lost both my parents now. I’m grateful beyond words for the bond we had, but that doesn’t make the grief easier to cope with. For me it helped talking to a counsellor when mum passed. I’m not “over it”, but it got me to the point where I could go on living. So I think you’re right in feeling you need to talk to a professional to sort things out. I can add that I tried several psychotherapists and it didn’t work for me until I found one who had experience with trauma counselling. Sending hugs!

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I think I know what you mean, although I’m not an only child.

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yes … I have, for now.

Talking about your loved one sometimes make u feel worst


Maybe I should have phrased it differently - the point where I wanted to go on living rather than existing just because I had to.

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