Grief help

Hey, I’m emma, i lost my mum two years ago very quickly and unexpectedly to cancer and the pain of the grief is getting worse and worse and i’m not sure how to cope please can someone help? x


Hi, I would advise researching information about grief, there’s a lot of useful help available online. Reading through the posts on this forum may also help as you’re not alone. Everyone manages grief in their own way but a lot of people find counselling useful. There tends to be long waiting lists though so sharing your feelings on this forum is a good start. Best wishes xx


Hi Emma,
Sorry to hear of the loss of your Mum. I found the first 5 years quite difficult after losing my Mam, then when i lost my son 2 years ago, i also started to grieve for my Mam again.
Grief is a difficult path.
Have you signed up for the Sue Ryder text message bereavement support? I find them so helpful. They are free, i get 2 or 3 a week, usually on really low days so it helps me very much
Take care x


Hi, i’m so sorry to hear about your losses, and no i haven’t how do i do that??

Thankyou xxxxxx

Thankyou, so much for your advice i will definitely have a look into it! xx

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