grief is a lonely world...

grief is a lonely world…

the new year means longer without them but at the same time, in a comforting way, it’s one step closer til we see them again…

it’s messy, it’s painful, it’s heartbreaking, it’s soul destroying and as the days build of grieving, so do the days of distance of other’s…

life is busy in the “normal” everyday world, but life whilst grieving seems to pause but still feel busy…

we feel other’s dont care, we hate when they don’t check in, we think we’re a burden and that we’ll put a dampner on their day so we keep to ourselves, bottle things up, overthinking every little thing, unable to grasp why they don’t have the same heart as us…

life just gets busy i suppose…

but if grief teaches us anything, it’s that life won’t last forever, tomorrow is not promised and time is precious - hold onto those close to you, tell them how much you love them and make the time to be with them :sparkling_heart:

i’ve not posted in a while but felt drawn to posting as 2024 begins…

if it doesn’t make sense, apologies, insomnia strikes again


Thank you :heartpulse:


I completely relate to this. I lost my mum on the 2nd June 2023 and since yesterday my grief feels very overwhelming again.

I find grief makes life feel very insignificant, like a realisation of what ‘life’ actually is. (If that makes sense). We all get so caught up in our everyday jobs or responsibilities that we forget we are actually living. It’s like my brain tells me oh so that’s what this life is all about.
Losing my mum has made me rethink a lot of things and really think about the people I have around me.

I hope you managed to get back to sleep :yawning_face:


sending you lot’s of love, hope you’re doing okay as can be right now :pray:t2:

it definitely puts things into perspective that’s for sure, we have a completely new mindset and we love even harder as we appreciate time and life a lot more and in a new way - i totally get what you mean, we get a better understanding of what life is, what’s actually truly important and what matters :sparkling_heart:

i hope you got through this festive period as best you could and we’re all here to chat to anytime

thankyou, i’ve not long woken up x

life sure is precious and i can’t believe how quickly it goes! as kids time lasted forever and we couldn’t wait to become adults but as an adult it whizzes by and we long to be a kid again where life felt carefree and our loved one’s were altogether. if only we could pause life at our happiest time and keep living it. thankyou, sending you lots of love and light too and may this year be kind to you and full of lovely memories x