Grief is love 💜

I’ve just come across this on Facebook and thought I would share :hugs:

I’m leaving you here. For one night I want to forget. And maybe smile.

Grief: You can’t leave me behind.

I’m tired. You are heavy. Sometimes you are just too much to bear.

Grief: I am a part of you now.

I can shut the door. Forget you for a few hours.

Grief. That is not how this works. I will always catch up to you.

Why are you doing this to me? It’s not fair. You are much too dark to take everywhere I go.

Grief: Maybe we need another way to think about this.

How would there be any other way?

Grief: Well…for starters, I am only here because of love.

No. You are here because my loved one died.

Grief: But you still feel love.


Grief: You just renamed me. That is why I am here. I am Love always. You can’t just leave me. I’m a part of you.

But it hurts so much. No more phone calls. Hugs… Plans. Empty chairs. Holidays… I can’t take this pain.

Grief. Running from me only makes it harder for you. Sit with me. I am only the love you still have to give. So feel it. Give some of it to yourself. Carry me with you. Picture me as only love and light.

So why have I been so afraid of you?

Grief. Because reality is hard to accept. This is the hardest thing to do. It takes time to get used to me. But I am here to help you remember.

I just want to be over this.

Grief: The pain you feel when a memory crosses your mind will someday make you smile. It’s because the longer you carry me with you…the wonderful memories will stay with you too.

So instead of carrying grief…I can think of it as carrying my love?

Grief: light a candle within me. Love isn’t dark. I’m only light. I remain because all your love your person still remains in you. I am love you wish to still give. I cannot be left behind. I carry on with you until the day you reunite.

So hold that light in your hand. And carry that love with you. To the very last of days.


That’s lovely and made me feel a little better after what has been a very negative day xx


Wow I had to read it more than once. It spoke to me about my grief and that I don’t let it control me. It’s beautiful

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Hi @Steven

How is that going for you? I remember you saying a while ago that you decided not to let grief consume you anymore. I hope it’s working :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hi Katyn
Yeah it’s going really well thank you

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That’s great to hear. I’m really looking forward to getting to that point! Do you have any strategies to share? That helped you? X

Hi Katyn
No not really. I just made a choice not to let grief get to me as much as it was doing. I do try breathing techniques it’s all about self control even listening to calm music anything that helps to create a chilled out atmosphere. Try and fill your days with calmness and relaxation. Even surrounding yourself with positive thinking and positive people helps. Only you can control grief

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Hi @Steven

Thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I agree alot of it is how to support ourselves and to try and crawl out of the depths of grief. I always try to be optimistic. Your right we decided to move forward and not let it control us xx

Thank you so much for sharing this, it’s very powerful and has really got me thinking about what grief actually is and how I can reframe it.

It was my wedding anniversary last week and my birthday next week and I struggle with big occasions since I lost both my mum and a year later my dad.

I’m so pleased that I came across this today and it’s made me think differently.

Thank you again, I’m sure that this has been a comfort to read for many.

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Hi @Bella

Thanks for commenting, I have not had a great day, by you commenting it prompted me to re read this, so thank you. It does give us another perspective doesn’t it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m glad it helped you. It’s a tough old journey isn’t it!

I hope you can celebrate your birthday next week :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Lots of love xx

Hi @Katyh
I haven’t been on the forum for a long time but this evening I felt that I needed to and all I could see was your post. It’s exactly what I needed to read and I am so grateful that you took the time to share it. It’s helped me massively and I’m sure it has with others too. I’ve copied it as a screen saver as I feel like I need to read it often.
I hope that tomorrow is a ‘better’ day for you, it’s so hard isn’t it. Grief = love. They are always with us. Be kind to yourself and sending you a virtual hug.



Bless you and thank you :purple_heart:

Sending you lots of love xx

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