Grief, loneliness

I lost my husband 11 days ago. We were married 28 years. We were a team, such a strong team, now I’m alone. We have children but they have their own lives, me as a person, I’m alone. The person who saw me as a person to love, hold and share life with has gone. What do I do? I’m heartbroken, I’m crying so much, the pain is unbearable.


I’m so sorry for your loss @Skyblue68

It is really early days for you. You will still be very raw.
I’m not going to try and tell you that the pain will ever go, but please believe me, you will learn to cope. Gradually you will come to realise that you are coping.
This journey is like a rollercoaster some ups and many many downs, but eventually there will be more ups.
No I didn’t believe it at your stage either, and though I still cry, a lot. I know I am starting to cope.
Please keep posting on here, everyone understands we are all going through it, all at different stages. We will all listen and offer support. It has helped me through some very dark times.
Please try and reach out to friends and family, don’t be afraid to tell them how you feel. Just take it one step, one day at a time

Sending love hugs and strength

Liz x x

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So very sorry.

First of all let people help.
There are things that will need sorting just when you feel you don’t want to be bothered because you feel overwhelmed.

However, listen to your own instincts.
Your feelings, wishes and instincts are paramount.

Take it at your own pace hour by hour, or get through the morning, then through the afternoon and so on.

You are in shock. You are dealing with a devastating loss. Be kind to yourself.

Everyone grieves in their own way.

This site is very helpful.

We have been were you are, we understand.

Take care.

Sending a very big hug,

Rose x


I am so sorry for your loss skyblue, it is so early in your grief and so raw. You will learn to cope as we all do in here. It’s not easy I won’t it’s tend but you have found the right place to share your feelings and get support. Keep talking and let the tears fall. Thinking if you .


Sorry for your loss, Grief is such a powerful thing, for myself it’s been six months since I lost my lovely wife, and like yourself , feel lost and alone although there are a lot of people around, it is when they go and you are alone it hits, as said by others, it never goes but it gets less often as we travel our lonely path, it is awful, Sunday I was making a dinner for our daughter as she was visiting with the grandchildren and suddenly found myself in uncontrollable tears, just thinking Sue should be here helping me in her way, after about ten minutes it eased and I could talk again xx keep going forward slowly xx


Liz, thank you for your reply. I don’t like reaching out to people I know as I know that they’ll try to cheer me up by moving the conversation, sometimes I need to grieve and need to cry, my loneliness is something that cannot be helped by other people being here, my heart still feels very lonely. I’m not trying to be dramatic, but in this swirl of emotions I feel very small and insignificant to myself . I am a realist and know that it will get better it just the getting there that is extremely hard at the moment.


Thank you Rose, today is a bad day, keep crying x


Glyn, thank you x

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Of course it is extremely hard and will be for a long time.
I talk about Roger constantly, and I talk to him too, and I write to him every night. It helps me keep a connection.
I wish I could help you more but all I can do is be here to listen

Sending a big hug
Liz x


Hi Sky blue 68,
Sorry for your loss, I lost my partner in January, I had been married twice but both died. I am finding it very difficult, but I am getting out and about again. As you say I have my children and grandchildren but they have their busy lives. Not having a good day today. We are all here for each other in our community

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The nonstop crying is a horrible part of grief.

I hope in time, you will find that crying is a bit of a release.

I understand. You are in my thoughts.

Much love,

Rose xx


So sorry for your loss. We all here are going through the same sad journey and understand what you are going through so please keep sharing. I personally find this amazing forum has helped me through my own journey and will forever be grateful to everyone here who has read and shared.
Sending big hugs x