Grief of the loss of my dad

Hi, I’m struggling with losing my dad. It’s got so bad it’s taken my life away. I was thinking I was depressed and I av anxiety which as gone worse so I’m thinking. Been listening to a doctor on YouTube and the way I’m feeling is cuz I’m grieving i think. I av only spoke to doctor but I wasn’t happy going to group meetings. I need to do something as I’m constantly thinking suicidal thoughts. Thanks


@Shane46 yes, grief makes you feel every emotion there is from anger, guilt, sadness and confusion. When you suffer a significant loss you’re in shock and you can expect to feel this physically and mentally. Have a read of all the guidance and advice online. You need to give yourself time to adjust to your loss. Grief can be complicated and there’s no timeline. If you’re really struggling, seek professional advice. Do you have any friends or family that you could talk to? Best wishes xx

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Thanks for txing, yeh I av family and friends. It’s got to a point that I feel I’m doing their heads in cuz I’m struggling to get through it.x


Post on here, everyone understands…xx


Thanks :pray: x

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Today I forced myself to go fishing on my local pond. It’s my favourite thing todo but fell out of love lately. It really as made me feel so much better and stronger minded. I’m going again tomorrow, the meaning of me mentioning this is that if you had an hobby you fell out of love with then maybe a kick up ya a##e and you never know, you could change fir the better. Lately I been gutted waking up in a morning cuz I ad had enough. It’s been a savour for me to go and do what I done today. Plz consider if you’re in that dark place. Being sat there wrapped up in the cold was better than being sat alone in my house suffocating in my grief, to the point I was considering suicide. Hope you all can try to get out of that dark place :pray:


That’s so lovely that you enjoyed yourself, and that you’ve shared your experience to help others here.

I was thinking that I should post and ask people for tips, because I just still don’t want to accept reality. My hobbies are in the outdoors, too, and I must get back to them. Thank you :yellow_heart:

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Thanks for your reply,
It’s so hard, little push at a time and not too much at once. Hopefully you can find some peace


@Shane46 good strategy, getting outside just moving and switching the view can help. I’m nearly one year on from losing my Mum and it has been a difficult time where I lost motivation for doing things that previously I enjoyed. I have tried hard to keep going, knowing that this would be what my Mum would want, but it has been so difficult. I did however go on lots of walks to my local beach and getting outside in the air always helps to shift my mood a little. Keep going forward, it’s all we can do. Best wishes xx


I feel your pain of losing a parent, it’s difficult I know. Do try your best to get out and listen to nature or whatever is your interest. Doing what I’m doing is helping me so hopefully you can find some peace and bit you time. Keep ya chin up x

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