Grief overload

This is my first time on this forum, but not sure what else to do. Seem to be dealing with a lot of bereavement lately and not sure how to feel about it all.

-my nan died at the beginning of may, didn’t have much of a relationship with her for 17 years
-my boyfriend broke up with me the day after my nan died.

  • and now one of my dogs got put down due to cancer at the beginning of June.

I was doing okay with my nans death and the break up, just ticking along with life, taking it easy, looking after myself and keeping my routine of going to work. But then when my dog got put down, that has just overwhelmed me completely. I don’t know how I feel, sometimes sad, and other times just numb. It’s like I’ve just lost all confidence in life. And I have no idea what to do. It’s all happened within a 5 week period and it’s like a big snowball of grief…


I am so sorry for you.
I remember the grief we suffered when we had to have our dog put to sleep. He was 15 and our baby.
On top of losing your Nan. It can be overwhelming.
Please just let yourself grieve, and post on here whenever you need to
There is always someone to listen

Sending a big hug :people_hugging:


Thank you :smiling_face: My dog, Rosie, was 15 when she got put down and had her since she was 6 weeks old. The house is so quiet without her, my other two dogs seem so lost sometimes. Just sad nearly every day coming home from work and not seeing her or listening to her bark :slightly_frowning_face:


I totally get how you are feeling. I moved in with my Mum and her Jack Russell Bruce a few years ago to care for my Mum who had Alzheimer’s.

During difficult times Bruce was a great comfort. He was a such a lovely dog - my Mum and I adored him. My Mum passed away in April and Bruce really helped with the grief. His needs forced me to get up in the morning and also got me out of the house to walk him.

Sadly I lost him too three weeks ago to Cancer. The double loss has been really tough. The house is so quiet and my motivation to get out has been hit. I did get out today for a walk but it felt so sad that he wasn’t beside me wagging his tail and making friends with everyone he met.

Hope you start to feel more positive soon. I hope I do too. I realise it may take time but I guess we just have to try and take small steps forward each day


Thank you I’m hoping I feel more positive soon too, and hope you do too! I’m grateful I’ve still got my other two girls, Penny and Bella. But just isn’t the same without Rosie. :paw_prints::paw_prints:


I completely get what you are going through apart from the break up.

The best thing to think is onwards and upwards as life can’t get much worse sometimes.