Grief Walks

We hear about the healing power of nature and I certainly have experienced this many times in my life, including since my husband, Julian, died in July.
Are others finding that some sort of interaction with native flora and fauna, whether it be feeding the birds or going for a walk, is helping them to cope?
As we are not able to meet face to face for bereavement groups at the moment, it would be a good idea for the people who generally organise those groups to set up walks, for small groups depending on what tier they are in. Does anyone already have that in their area?


I find being outside walking or cycling very therapeutic, these are undertaken on my own, I’m not aware of any groups or anything organised


I have always been a walker, and often with my husband previously, but am also used to walking on my own or with a friend. My walking friends have been very supportive generally but I can’t get past the fact that they don’t really understand what it is like to lose someone so very much a part of who I am. I would really like to meet and walk with others who have lost their partners. I might talk to my local hospice who have me on a waiting list for a group

Lucy this is a good idea and less oppressive than meeting in a room which I’m not sure I would go to anyway. After my husband’s funeral in November we couldn’t have a gathering inside due to covid so we went on a walk in a lovely garden with plenty of trees, birds, fungi, squirrels and leaves falling like confetti. Afterwards I was glad it turned out like that, being out in nature was far better for me. I haven’t done it enough since but it does help I agree.


Hi Lucy,

Yes!!! I walk my dogs 3 times a day and enjoy it, despite the mud and the cold. There’s actually a theory called biophilia that is developing the idea that humans who are close to nature heal more easily. Whether that applies to grief I am not sure, but I know that the peace and the sense of being simply a tiny part of the wider world helps me a lot.

Christie xxx


Hi Lucy
I have written many times about the benefits of walking in the countryside or even a park will do. I have my dogs and they are always good company for my daily two hour walks. Fresh air, exercise and therapy can’t be bad and proven to be better than any medication. Nature has a healing quality and I even have tree’s that I stop and have a chat with!!! I meet other dog walkers and sometimes we walk together, it can become a social thing.
Look to the Ramblers Association in your area and see when they are resuming their walks. Contact the NHS or sports centres and see if there are any organised health walks
Why not gather a few people yourself and go for your own walks, nothing to stop you.

Agree wholeheartedly with Christie.


Hi Pattidot
I already walk daily, either on my own or with a friend. What I’m looking for is to walk with someone else who’s grieving for a partner. Hence I’ve considered contacting the hospice where my husband, Julian, died to see if they might advise me about setting something up, and not just for me. I can be a good listener and I find that it helps me to help someone else. I also feel less alone when I hear that others are going through the same thing.


I find like many on this site, that walking is my therapy and I try to go out every single day.
Walking alone is difficult but has often been a time to vent my terrible sadness and to cry where no one sees me.
I walk with my family members who are sharing this sad journey. That helps and comforts.
I think that walking with others who understand exactly what you are going through is a very good idea. Trying to do that is more difficult at the moment due to restrictions I guess.
Since the sudden passing of my lovely husband 11 weeks ago, there are people who have offered to walk with me but right now they would not be the people I need because they haven’t been in this awful place and I would not wish to unburden myself on them.
So to share our pain with others in the same sad situation is a beneficial thing to do.
Sharing nature is undoubtedly the way towards healing I think.
Take care everyone.


I’m so sorry to hear that your husband died, Seasurge2.
I’ve been on a rainy walk this morning and found that my tears were well camouflaged.

Great Idea Lucy, I wish you luck, a very worthwhile, caring thing to do.
I found that I preferred my walks alone at first but I do now join up with other dog walkers some days.
Walking groups of any sort can be most beneficial to our well being. So I hope you get some support from your hospice.

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I have found walking to be great at keeping me sane since my husband died in May. I have shed many a tear on solitary walks. But I also find it easier to talk on a walk. Don’t know where you are based Lucy but would be happy to walk with you.

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I lost my husband in July and would love to find people to walk with who understand the pain we are in was feeling better last week then this week it has hit me so hard again I am back to the beginning of the grief again xxx

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West Midlands

It definitely comes in waves. Just when you think it feels less raw, the pain resurfaces.

I felt I wanted to walk with other bereaved people, I contacted the council to see if they knew of anything like this, they didn’t but thought it was a good idea, so we designed a leaflet between us, they sent it to local hospices & hospitals to be displayed on information boards & to local businesses, then I went around to local cafes and shops & they displayed them in windows.

It was advertised as a weekly walk at 9.30am, on the first walk the council sent a member of staff along for moral support, over a year later it’s still going with a good group of regulars.

It has helped me to walk and talk with women that are going through the same, we didn’t get any takers from men & people that came who had lost parents etc made up there own group so our walk is widows.

So anyone who wants to go on a walk like this suggest contacting there local council & see if they.ll help you set one up?


Thank you. This is a great idea. Which Council did you work with and what did they call it?

It was the local Essex council & we called it “walk & chat”.

Thank you. And can I ask just one more question. Which department at the council did you approach?

I think all Council’s are different, but ours has a community support section.

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That’s so brilliant. Something so positive coming out of the sadness.