Grief when the relationship was poor

Hello all,
I’m posting this because I found out about 72 hours ago that my father passed away; currently it’s presumed that he took his own life.
I am finding it incredibly difficult to know just how to go about moving forwards. I haven’t spoken with him in about 3 years, we had a very turbulent relationship and has meant I have become estranged from the rest of my family too.
As the more ‘textbook’ steps of grief (although I know these don’t really exist) such as turning to family, attending a funeral, etc, aren’t really an option right now, my question is just is there anyone else who has experienced something in anyway similar? I am just at a loss, and I feel terrible that my friends just don’t know how to support right now (they are of course incredibly kind and considerate, but they know how complex things have been).
Sending my love to anyone who reads this, whether it applies or not - I hope this forum brings you some of the peace you may be looking for right now.

So sorry you’re in this position. Mum and i had our moments but they never lasted long. Mum and Dad divorced in late 80s and we never saw or heard from dad again. He died in 2018, no one told us, we found out by chance, but his widow was quick to come after his share of mum’s house!

Everyone’s circumstances are different and so is grief. My wider family have disappeared since mum’s death, so it’s just really me, my sis and one of mum’s cousins. Admittedly mum was the one everyome talked to - most of them don’t know where i live tho they should have my phone nos from when i was making funeral arrangements.

I have found this forum really helpful and hope you will too.

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