
Hi. Since watching the video of little Arthur labinjo Hughes crying no one loves me and nobody gonna feed me I feel so much Grief. I’ve cried nonstop. I can’t sleep. I have nightmares. Even though I never met him I feel I have lost him. Whyhas this hit me so hard I can’t understand. I’m crying typing this. It’s broke my heart in two. Plz can someone help me. The Grief is so bad I can’t eat. That poor child😭 is there anyone out there going through this horrible tragedy?

Dear Mggs

Welcome to the online community. You are a mother to 2 sons and it will hit you hard as it has done the whole Nation. Why would anyone do this to a child? No one can fully comprehend this and never will. It would be good for you to talk to someone and I would like to guide you to the Samaritans for support on 116123 for free (UK residents only).

Hope this helps. Take care. xx

Thank you for replying. Pepsi. And thank you for your kind words. I would like to talk to someone. Because of this when I go into a shop and see any child that looks like Arthur I have to walk out. He’s in my mind 24/7. My two sons are older now. It’s heartbreaking… Can you gave me a telephone number for samartins plz?

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Dear Mggs24

You are very welcome. It is heartbreaking and I am pleased that you are going to talk to someone. The phone number is 116 123 (I have just rang the number to make sure it is correct). It is a UK number. Take care of yourself. xx

Thank you. Thank you for the help. I will ring them. Take care xx

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