
I lost my husband of 40 years in December, really fit healthy man yet within 2weeks of being diagnosed with cancer he died. It’s been 18weeks and it’s getting harder. I put on abrave face at work but by 8pm I am just in floods of tears every day, when does it get easier? When do the tears stop? When do you start to sort through his clothes , just so many unanswered questions , but deep down I know it has to get easier, I just miss him so get much

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Hi sue, you will miss him because you were together so long. His life may have stopped but you are still here and life without him can’t be easy. Please go at your own pace, there’s no rush. Only do those horrible things when you can cope with the way you feel.
If you feel that counselling would help then please think about yourself and go ahead because you have got through the first few weeks. I can recommend both Sue Ryder and Cruse and they are both free but there is a lot of private counselling if that’s what you wish.
Please look after and keep those special memories alive. S xx
