
My nephew died Christmas Day. He was hit by a car in a hit and run on the 14th December.
He fought so hard and we thought he was making progress until the 23rd. I’m broken
I want him back x

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I’m so sorry for your loss just have peace of mind they will always be with you it’s hard when they are younger the pain is immense I also hope they found the person car with hit and run I just hope your nephew never suffered sending lots of hugs

I’m struggling so much x he got hit 14th December and died Christmas Day x

I’m so sorry that must have been so traumatising hope he’s at eternal peace now bless his little heart :heart: :sob::two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:

How do I get over it . I see his face when I go to sleep he was only 20 . I’m heartbroken :broken_heart:

I’m so sorry to read of your loss :broken_heart: you’re in such early days, absolutely no time at all. You have been traumatised and it doesn’t just go away……unfortunately you have no choice right now than to just go with each passing moment. This awful situation is so raw and confusing. Keep talking on here whenever you want/need to……you’re in a safe, supportive forum. X