
Hey all. Im new here so this might be waffle and be ignored I don’t know! I lost my best friend coming up 11 months ago. Very suddenly and unexpected. There one minute gone the next. Im still struggling so much. I cry multiple times a day over her and although i am blessed by loved ones the fact that she is no longer by my side and wont be doing life with me still knocks me off my feet. It will be a year next month and that blows my mind. It feels like yesterday i was laying a rose on her coffin and snotting everywhere. How do you get to grips with the fact that you’ve now got to do this without them? I cant comprehend it, it makes no sense to me.



Sorry for the loss of your friend :purple_heart:

Grief is a truly trying experience, the feelings that come along are cruel and hard to manage. There is no easy way to grieve, you need to go through all the emotions to get to the other side. I believe the bigger the love the harder/longer we grieve. I suppose we all find our own way to manage our way through.

Be kind to yourself :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: sending you love and strength xxx

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Hey, I’m new to this as well. My friend died on Christmas eve last year so the grief is still pretty raw. People suggest talking about the person that’s gone. I’m not at that stage yet, I just start to blub. I hope you have someone you can share memories with. I find myself wanting to do something in memory of my friend like plant a tree. Friends are a real gift :purple_heart:

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