
So my mum died suddenly and unexpectedly 14 weeks ago. Ive posted on here before and find this group is so helpful. Ive been doing ok over the last few weeks yet in the last few days its been so hard again, i miss my mum so much. I know we all grieve differently and therebis no right or wrong way but ive worried all along that im not dealing with things. Initially due to the shock i was so anxious for the first few weeks. I also havent been back to her house for a while, even though i know to need to and start packing her things up. Its just so hard. Can other people relate to the grief peaking and troughing?

Hello @Loubeelou,

I’m so sorry for the loss of your mum. Thank you for sharing this with us. I’m just giving your thread a gentle, “bump” for you - hopefully someone will have some thoughts to share.

Take good care,