
IV been waiting on cruise for someone to talk too.i lost my best friend/mum march 26th and my step brother a week later.i can’t cope without my always getting worried about my dad.he say he’s coping ok.i can’t get upset when I’m with dad, because I don’t want to let him down.when mum passed away I had to do everything the phone calls, paper work .banks because my dad was suffering he lost weight.he fell down the stairs and he still trying to get his back struggling with my own grief.there is not a day go by that I don’t get upset :sob::sob:


Sorry June :pensive:. I don’t know how long Cruse have said you’ll wait for, but I couldn’t wait. It’s been 5 months and they said it was a 3-4 month wait. Does your place of employment offer counselling? It took me 2 working days to get mine through work.


Are you sure your dad wants you to be strong for him.? He may be happier caring for you as well, sharing grieving, talking, hugging, crying, etc. You need to get through your grief as well

He loves you, and that’s what people want to do

Recover together?

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I’m so sorry for the loss of your mum and step-brother, @June83

I just wanted to let you know that Sue Ryder offer Online Bereavement Counselling. It’s held at home via video chat. You can find out more about it here: Online Bereavement Counselling Service | Sue Ryder

As @Burgled said, if you’re working, they may be able to offer you something sooner, too.

Take good care :blue_heart:

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