Grieving an ex gf

Last November i heard the devastating news that my ex gf drowned qhilst taking a bath, she was found a day later by the police.
I can’t move on, im sad all the time and wish that we were closer after our split, i lost touch with her 2 years prior to her passing.
I just don’t recognise myself no more.
My gf at the time and i split up due to my depression, i can’t see anything good at the moment.

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I’m so sorry for your loss :two_hearts:

I’m glad you found this place, it’s a safe place to talk about how you are feeling.

Sending lots of love :heart: xx

That is tough. Really hard. Thank you for sharing that. Did you have any happy times?

I’m so sorry, that is tragic. It sounds like you were already struggling with depression and then this. It’s awful. I recently lost an ex partner and feel like life is meaningless . I’m still working but it can be hard to function day to day. I’m going to get some bereavement counselling. It’s good you found this community. I would consider getting more support, depression can be isolating and you have a lot to try to deal with now. Do you have friends and family you can talk to? Perhaps a local support group? Try to take care of yourself as best as you can. As someone else suggested, try to think of some of the fond memories you have of her to balance things out a little.