Grieving for my Mum and niece

My Mum died in early November of Pumonary Fibrosis, it was in some ways a long journey with greif but then a shock when she did leave us, I found I was coping okay some days and others not well at all but able to carry on. Just this week we have been told that my 9 year old niece’s cancer is back and that there is nothing that can be done, she is end of life. I cannot comprehend how such a beautiful, happy living girl is going to be taken from us so soon after she already lost two grandparents and a great grandparent this year. I am scared for my sister who doesn’t have a lot in her life apart fro her daughter and has said prevviously that she doesn’t want to live in a world without her.
I don’t know where to begin with trying to help her and also to help myself, I am afraid I will have to go back to work soon in the NHS but I know that the only thing I think about is my sister, niece and missing my Mum
This is somewhat just a reach out to the community but if anyone can offer some advice I would appreciate it



I am so sorry to hear about your mum and niece. That is just too much to appear fair for anyone.

This is my first Xmas without my mum as her funeral is tomorrow so can empathise but you must have a lot of inner strength as I get from you that you will do your upmost for your sister and niece.

Whilst you will want to be strong for them please remember that we all here can prop you up when you need it.

Seems like a platitude but take care and reach out to us here x

Thanks so much Suzanne, I really hope that the funeral goes as well as it can tomorrow and my thoughts will be with you and your family

I do find talking to people who understand helps and I hope others will feel like they can reach out too

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Thank you for your kind words and please remember that there are a lot of people, myself included, here just to listen on your good and bad days x