Grieving for parents

Miss them more at Easter, family occasions are no more.


Hello @LucyBDemille,

I can see that you’re new to the community, so I wanted to say that I am so sorry for the loss of your grandparents that brings you here.

I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I wanted to share a few Sue Ryder resources with you that may help right now.

Thank you again for sharing – please keep reaching out and know that you are not alone.

Take care,


I lost dad 40 years ago and lost mum end of February this year. Miss them both but especially mum who I spent all my time with as I was her carer. I’m not looking forward to this Easter weekend and will probably spend it on my own. I will try and find things to do but getting up the enthusiasm to do things but then having no-one to tell them about those things hurt. I know how I feel about not having the family things to do and not having mum with me this weekend so I guess you may be feeling something very similar. I’m trying hard to be positive and carry on as they would want me to but it’s a struggle most days to be positive about life. I sometimes find myself having a little cry and I tell myself this is ok, I talk out loud to them as if they were still in the same room. I can’t tell you how to cope as I’m not coping too well myself and feel guilty if I have a better day. Mum loved spring and the garden is full of daffs and tulips that I planted for her last year, I ask her if she can see them. I imagine the answer she will give and here her speaking it in my head. All this helps me get through the day. I feel for you and send you hugs and caring thoughts at this time. C x

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I have been posting on this board a lot this weekend, testimony to me feeling the same grief from loss. I relate. I push myself to do small things. I swim at the natatorium where I am going now. I do at least these things but aside from the efforts I make, my life is quite bereaved itself.

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