Grieving through music

Had my Dad’s funeral on Tuesday. Been an emotional wreck since then but have found some comfort in grieving through listening to sad songs. Have heard that it does some people some good to let it all out.
This is one song that I can’t get through without being tearful. It’s called dancing in the sky.
If there’s any other songs that anyone would like to recommend then please do.

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Dance with My Father by Luther Vandross. Gets me everytime

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I’m pleased you have found music which helps you through this. Anything helps. I may be the opposite to you as I like loud banging music sometimes especially when I’m having a bad day…which is frequent. I can’t thin of any songs sorry to help you xx

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Lone star already there
My husband was abroad similar conversation a hour before. The words wow

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‘Dance With My Father’ was my step-daughter’s choice to be played at her dad’s funeral. We had it as the opening song xx

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My dad wants bat out of hell :see_no_evil:

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Great that he gets to choose, Sah :blush: A friend of ours (older generation) chose ‘See You Later Alligator’ to play as his coffin was lowered at the end of the service. Totally unexpected and everyone was laughing.

He’s a buggar at 78 he’ a big kid but my rock in the last 16 weeks since my husband went

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So lucky to have him, Sah. Hold him close :heart:

So very hard to lose your dad, but it’s good that you’ve been able to gain some solace from listening to sad songs. I’ve been the exact opposite, actively avoiding them as they make me so upset. I hope in time I’ll be able to get back to it as music was a big part of my late partner’s life. Thanks for the link to Dancing In The Sky xx

Defo both parents and still married it’s a rarity

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A friend of mine also suggested dance with my father. It is a song that also gets her every time.
I’ve also found supermarket flowers and visiting hours by Ed Sheeran quite sombre and meaningful.
And also Pink - When I get there.
All the lyrics of certain songs just seems to hit you now after a loved one has passed away where as before they were just slow pop songs to me.

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After recently losing a young family member the song that goes through my mind constantly is No One but You by Queen, especially the last verse where they sing of a face at the window thats never going away

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