Grieving time

It’s been 9 months. And it hurts every day. Some goods but some really bad. Is this common? X

Mine’s nearly 3 months and I’m still having good days and bad days. In the first few weeks I was hardly on my own and had plenty to sort out but now I spend a lot of time alone and some days I just can’t function. I think it is common, Tina. We’re both still in the early days, still getting our head around it.

Sending hugs

Anita xx

Thank you. Some days thinking I am going mad. Sorry for your loss. So time we forget. We are not the only ones grieving… X

Hello Tina
I can assure you it is absolutely normal. I thought I was a strong person and I would be able to function normally in around 6 months. This was not to be. I am now over two years and can still have my low times with the tears, However I do lead a busy life and finding myself again but you must give yourself time and take each day as it comes, You will find your own way through grief but can’t rush things.


Thank you for your kind word. I do try to take one day at a time❤️