grieving yet again

It is just a year since my husband was taken into hospital snd he never came home again and died on 20 July 22. I have found a lot of comfort from my beautiful tabby cat but last week at the age of 21 I had to have her put to sleep and my heart is broken yet again and I keep crying because the house feels totally empty . I am 83 so do I get a rescue cat or face life alone?


@Unforgettable . Hubby and l had dogs. What l would give if l was physically able to have a dog. There are plenty of cats need rescuing, if you are able, go for one of them, please. It doesn’t have to be a young cat.

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We lost our cat back in 2018, Wolfgang was 20, and we always said that we’d get another cat or two at some point. That never happened while Keef was here but a few weeks ago I went to the local RSPCA rehoming centre and adopted two 9 year old little girl cats. They have helped a bit but getting a rescue cat is a really good idea and there are so many who are older and need homes, my grandson wanted me to get the 17 year old cat but I had decided on two. Older pets are usually easier to adopt because people always seem to want kittens and besides they’ll be house trained!

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thank you for your reply. A lot of people think I am too old at 83 to adopt a cat as it could outlive me even if I choose an older one. I am now confused as to what to do as the house feels so empty and lonely.

I remember my daughter telling me about fostering cats. Some cat places don’t have enough capacity for all the cats they get so often need people to foster them for periods of time, that way you wouldn’t have a long term commitment and you’d be helping those cats which are often overlooked.


thank you I will look into this

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I would be the same my cat is 17 years old he was my husbands cat and he has got very old now we only losed my hubby last year and the cat misses him so much too they are like family iam going to broken my heart when he goes but he will be with his dad sending hugs


thank you for your reply. I agree my cat was such a comfort to me after my husband died
and i am broken hearted to have lost him as well. I cry every day and feel so lonely without them
I might get a rescue cat but worry that i am too old at 83


Never to old


Sometimes I think the silence helps. Ive lost so many including my cat. My dad. My best friend. My ex hubby. So many. Dont rush into getting a pet…until you are ready

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thank you so much for your reply. it is so similar to my situation except we had a lovely cat who worshipped my husband and sat on his lap purring every time he sat down!
After my husband was taken ill and i had to call an ambulance the cat followed the paramedics into the anbulance and after they put him out he went underneath the vehicle and lay down.
He never came home again and the cat kept looking for him it was so sad.
The cat became ill and I knew it was the end for him as he was 21. I too came home to an empty quiet house with no-one to comfort me it was terrible. I do still drive and the vets is near but there is no-one to have the cat if I was ill only the local cattery and if I died it would have to be adopted. i would only get an older cat but at the moment i am waiting to see how i feel in the following weeks. Life is so empty now I hate it.
thinking of you with lots of sympathy xx

i think it is wise advice to wait and see how i get on without an animal to keep me company. Perhaps in the winter months I might think again but I agrree to go through losing another would be unbearable. xx

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Aww…im so sorry for your losses xx

I would definitely get another cat they are such beautiful and caring creatures :heart_eyes: if it will give you some comfort then thats whats right for you !

My daughter passed 3 years ago and now i have my beautiful cat Abi she’s so loving and she makes me so happy :blush: xx

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@Unforgettable why are you worried about about what others think?? They don’t live your life do they, or know how you feel!!!
I say don’t even tell people what your plans are you are a grown lady!!
Also you can contact rspca so if the worst happens the cat will automatically be taken from the home as stated in a will
Get some furry company and hang the detail’s.
Its about today how we feel and deal with our loss. Us and us alone

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Get a rescue cat it cannot replace the cat you have lost but it will become your friend and companion.
I have a rescue cat and a Border Collie they keep me going xx


Sorry for your loss dear lady, i would get a Rescue Cat as there are many older ones who need a loving home and you could comfort each other so all the best in your choice :wink:

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3 weeks ago i got a rescue cat and she is lovely and great company. the house feels less empty now

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