
My brother passed away on the 3rd august ages 41. I feel so much guilt as we hadn’t really been speaking the few months before. I can’t get those memories out of my head. I took care of the funeral and he has a lovely service I just need to know he has forgave me and is happy back with my parents. We were always close just the life he was leading I started to resent him then few months before he passed and said some nasty words which I wish with all my heart I could take back now


Hello @Kirsty42,

Thank you for reaching out - I’m so sorry for the loss of your brother. We have a support page on Losing a sibling which you might find helpful to read: Sibling loss: coping with death of your sister or brother | Sue Ryder

Another good place to get support is the The Compassionate Friends website. They run siblings support groups which you may wish to explore.

Feeling guilty is really normal when we’re grieving and it’s a subject that comes up a lot on the community. Hopefully someone will be along to offer their support, but I just wanted you to know that you have been heard and you are not alone.

Take good care,