
My daughter was found dead in her home almost three years ago. She had mental health problems and had been an addict. She had completed a 5 month spell in rehab and we thought she was doing well. Unfortunately she found another way of getting her high ( I won’t go into details) When we found this out we were upset and hurt so withdrew a bit, I would txt her but most of the time got no reply. To cut a very long story short she was found by police at her property on her own in bed and had been there for days. The guilt I feel is so overwhelming. Not being there for her at that time is too much to bare. I just feel stuck and unable to move on. Does it get easier?

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Hi I have no answers as the guilt monster consumes me also. I do think that sometimes no one can reach people who have gone down a certain path and are consumed with an obsession that shuts everyone and everything else out. I have tried to understand it worked closely with it and watched from afar. Its a lottery with substances and addiction and its a world that is so far away from anything we know. What I am sure of is that no one can save anyone else unless they are ready to change.
I am so sorry and hope you can be kind to yourself and you have someone to share this pain with no one can imagine how it feels.


Thank you for your kind words. I just wish I could turn the clock back.

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Yes I’m sure we all wish that but the clock ticks on. Not just kind words it’s from the heart, life is precious and hard we never never know how others are dealing with it. Breathe walk, one hour then one day then one week and you will be moving forward again.

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Hi there, try not to feel guilty, i know its the "if only syndrome " dont beat your self up, my daughter had mental health, prescription drugs, for that and pain killers also she brought pain killers via dark web, everyone thought was suicide, but corona said to many drugs she never woke up, it was a mistake she probably forgot how many she had taken, i know how you feel, so yous less ashamed. Why me, what should have i done, and the stigma of it all, people avoid you, keep in touch,

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Thank you, I’m so sorry for your loss Your right, I think unless you’ve experienced this it’s hard to understand. How old was your daughter ? Had she been struggling long? I seem to be stuck feeling guilty. It’s like I struggle to remember any happy times we had together because of her mental health problems and her addiction we went through really hard times when she wasn’t easy to get on with. Don’t get me wrong when she was clean and sober she was the loveliest daughter but all the bad memories have crushed the good ones. It makes me so so sad. Sorry I’m babbling on. Thanks again.

Hi dont apologise, its ok, My Daughter Becca was 24, she had Bipolar, she was lovely but had a complex personality, was sectioned 3 times, had therapy (private) it helped but, i think when someone is having an episode, and takes all their meds at once doesn’t help. I think she did this to escape her mind, and sometimes didn’t remember, then go back to being “normal again” exhausting.