Had a fall

Hi it is 5 and a half months since my darling died I am getting there and some days a bit low. On the '4th I was going into the kitcHen and fell straight on my face.
I laid there for a few minutes , I put my right elbow down to push myself up and fell down again it was like jelly I knew I had broken my elbow. Blood was running down my face my left eye closing I felt scared ,I asked my husband to please give me the strength to sit up he must have done, I coul.dnt get up on my own both knees and hips are replaced .I knocked the phone off the hook it’s on the wall and phoned for help. Got to hospital at 10.45 s,at in a wheel chair until 4.30 am then had a x-Ray .I had broke my big toe and two little ones, both knees badly bruised broke elbow cut my eye which was closed by now .just before 8.30 they gave me some portage and then took me to the ward. Consultant came and said taking you to operate on elbow ,I said I have eaten so that was kicked in the head. They lost my covid test had another. Told me to go home and come back Monday. Which I did and had the op.came home that night. Over the weekend I could smell my husbands aftershave all oVer the house I think he was watching over me I do really hope so.I hope I am on the mend now very much in pain waited on hand and foot. S,o sorry if I have gone on a bit but needed to get it off my chest and say I got some comfort from somewhere I hope it was him . Neg from covid love to you all be safe and pick those feet up xxxx​:pray:t2::heart_eyes::kissing_heart::rose::+1:


@Florance I only just came on here to answer some private messages when I saw your post. How horrible for you. It is bad enough being alone but falling like that was horrific. I am very very careful around the house and now use a walking stick since John died. You must have received some inner strength to help you get up. Your love for your husband is within you and that’s where it came from :heart: I can’t get up if I end up on the floor either. I have knee replacement, arthritis of the hip and a weak shoulder. When we are down we stay down. You did incredibly well to get to the phone and to cope. I hope you recover soon and trust you have someone to help you with food etc? Take care and we will pick our feet up as you suggest :butterfly: :broken_heart:

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Hi all
I did post on here but sue ruder split the conversation and put me on My Husband died in September.
I wasn’t posting about that I was posting to talk about being at our lowest ebbs and being able to express ourselves like @Geoff999
Don’t know why they have put me on a different post.
Very frustrating.
Sorry to hear about your fall @Florance. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

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Dear @Florance, I was very distressed to hear about your fall and your entire experience, how absolutely awful for you. My 96 year old mother fell at home a few weeks ago and was badly bruised and shaken, but fortunately had no broken bones. I am fortunate enough to have full mobility and no real physical ailments or problems to speak of, but when I was doing some gardening a few weeks ago it made me so aware of my new, more vulnerable situation. If I had an accident or fell off a ladder, what would I do? It’s not something that even crossed my mind when my wife was here, but now I am so much more aware of the problems of living alone. I have literally started carrying my mobile phone everywhere I go around the house now, and in the garden, just in case anything happens. And don’t worry, no, you haven’t gone on, this is the place to express your real feelings and unburden yourself.
It’s interesting that you could smell your husband’s aftershave in the house too, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if he was watching over you. I like to think my wife would do the same for me in those circumstances.
I hope your injuries heal well and quickly, take good care of yourself.

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Hi Florance I am so sorry about your fall. I hope you heal quickly and well. I’m terrified of falling, I have 3 dogs and nobody else to walk them. I’m sure your husband is watching over you. Hugs, Christie

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Dear Florance,
I am so sorry that you have had such a horrendous experience, please take care of yourself. Last March I had a series of falls and counted myself lucky that I didn’t have to go to hospital.

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Thank you for your support it was very well riecived ,I forgot the gramma full stops comers to text with the left hand and at times felt like throwing the iPad across the room with frustration. I hope to get some sleep tonight went back to the hospital took all the padding off Cotten wool was giving me big welts on my skin underneath.
I used to to be so strong going out with the loppers chopping off what ever stuck out. My husband used to say watch out here she comes she won’t bother what she chops off. At X-Ray today I was sad when I saw husbands and wife’s coming in, holding hands and I was on my own . I felt like why me why am I left on my own,but I have 53 wonderful years to remember. Everyone used to call him big T he was like a young Clark Gabble.I might put a photo on when we were young.There is so many of us out there most in the Same boat with different problems to overcome but if we pull together with our ups and downs sad and happy times we will make it . Stay safe and I will be thinking of you all and in my prayers xxxxxx​:pray:t2::pray:t2::heart_eyes::+1:t2:


Wow Florance
You are strong i have to remember your adventurer!
You done all that by yourself, if it was me i could have been liying there. Brave woman. Take care , don’t over do things


Hi MaryL well it’s 4 weeks since my op on elbow still very painful but I think I have done quite well. I still carnt touch my nose but I manage to eat with my left hand. I am still on my balanced meals and have lost 1 stone 2ibs in 6 weeks which I am very pleased about. I am going too my youngest daughters for Xmas eve till Boxing Day , her 10 yr old is so excited getting upstairs will be a laugh. I hope you have someone to go to at this festive time , and you have a happy time I will be thinking about you love Florence stay safe :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::pray:t2:and too you all blessings

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Thank you for your message, Florance, I am pleased that you are improving, you have done well to lose the weight, especially at a time you could be comfort eating. My daughter, Jenny, fell down some stone steps 10 years ago and smashed her elbow, it was reconstructed using a metal plate. She had to have another operation a few weeks ago and have a post op check-up 8 weeks later, the consultant told her that it would take at least 3 months for it to fully heal. She begged me to go to her for Christmas, my son-in-law would have come for me. My son is working on Christmas Eve, however, due to multiple medical conditions I have decided to stay at home. I shall be fine, I love the meaning of Christmas, but that is all. Since Stan died, things are just not the same as you will understand.
You will have to be hoisted up the stairs, using a rope, :grinning:
Take care and stay safe, I hope that you will have a blessed Christmas.
Mary x x x x

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Dear Florance,

I am so sorry that you have the worry of 2 different types of breast cancer, your message was forwarded to me by one of the Sue Ryder moderators. I am afraid your message went on to the general message board, unfortunately, the moderator who spotted it sent it to me.

May I give you some encouragement, I have an internet/email friend who lives in New Zealand, when she was fast approaching 90 she had exactly the same as you. 2 different cancers in each breast, she had 2 types of treatment and is still her usual sparky self. She is now 95 years old and she tells us that she is fine, she does not regret having the treatment and appears to have made a full recovery. Her 5 children were very worried about her as I am sure your’s will be worried about you. It is ok for me to talk, I do realise this, but I have every confidence and hope that you will be the same as my friend.

One thing which I have learned over the years is the older we get, the more such things slow down in growing. I have no medical training at all, but I am sure that all shall be well.

Please take care of yourself and I hope that you haven’t had anymore falls.

Stay safe and please keep in touch.

Mary x x x

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