Had enough!

Not going to do anything daft, but I really have had enough of this life, time to get a grip and move on, as much as I loved my wife, she has left a real mess, we were both on second marriages, we lived in her house for 22 years, her two sons have inherited everything, soon I will have to give up my home, just don’t know where my future will be, 64 and soon to be homeless is not good, so much stuff to deal with and no help, I’ve been told I could contest her will, but that would be against her wishes for her sons to inherit and have enough money to put down hefty deposits on houses for them, what I want to do is, walk away with my belongings and leave them to get on with it!


It doesn’t help that I’m still struggling with the grief, it’s only been just over 4 months.


What an awful situation you are in,I have no idea what you can do about your home but I hope the sons treat you kindly .It costs a lot of money contesting a will and no guarantee it will work I wish you all the best.

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What an awful situation to be in, it sounds like there is nothing you can do, all you can do is start looking for a new home, possibly approach your local council & see what they can offer? Approach citizens advice for their view on a new home?

How do you get on with your step sons? Do you think it would be possible they may be open to you continuing to live there paying rent?

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This the ugly side of death, greed, power and money. Contesting a will in the UK is useless, you can leave your estate/money to anyone you choose. As awful as it is you are best to walk away and start a new life. Don’t allow them to hold you to ransom either financially or emotionally. Your well being is more important . Nobody can take your memories away. People can be so cruel but don’t let them rob you of your happiness and peace of mind