Happy Birthday beyond the stars

It’s the fourth birthday without my husband & it doesn’t get any easier. For me these big days seem to be getting worse because memories are getting further & further away. Others have forgotten & you’re carrying your hurt alone. You prepare yourself for the firsts & the build up to them often worse than the day itself. But as the years go by these days are still hard if not harder & you can’t understand why it isn’t easier. I’m not intentionally building up to it as I was at first, but subconsciously I must be because I’ve had days where I can’t face going out in these last few weeks. I wrote this poem for him … Happy Birthday Derek :orange_heart:

I miss you today and I’ll miss you tomorrow,
No amount of time takes that away,
You’re my one, my forever & always,
And I’ll miss you every single day.

I love you today and I’ll love you tomorrow,
Your heart is entwined with mine,
You’re my one, my forever & always,
And I’ll love you until the end of time.


@Jodel712 and

@Jodel712 and @LonelyPanda
Sorry pressed reply too quickly!

I just wanted to say how lovely your words were to your husbands on their birthdays, and thinking about how you feel today, having been through it with husband’s birthday in May.
Life doesn’t get any easier for us and special days are the worst. Sending hugs,


@Jodel712 a beautiful poem and tribute to your husband


Aw how lovely xxx

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Hi Jodel172

So sorry for the loss of your much loved husband, Derek. I lost my husband, David 7 years ago. He was my everthing, my soulmate. I miss him so much.
Your right, It doesn’t get any easier. I could never find the words to express how I feel, other than its the price we pay for love.
What you said really resonated with me, memories are getting further and further away. You helped me untangle some of what goes on in my head,
I try to put a wall up sometimes, but it always falls down.
Your poem is beautiful and says all I feel.
I’m so sorry that you are going through this too. Thank you for sharing how you feel and helping me unravel whats in my head and helping my facing up to what it is.
I do have such lovely friends, my precious daughter and grandsons, thats what keeps me going, and the hope that one day I will be with my husband again,
I hope you too have others around.
Sending you lots of love and a huge hug. Look after you. Take care xx


Just needed to come on forum as struggling and read your poem it is how I feel so sorry for all on here going through this journey it’s so hard and it does not get any better it is my husbands birthday on Saturday I miss hime more than ever as you all do it’s the third one now with out him
Thank you for sharing your poem with us
Wish you all the strength that is needed to find our way through this journey
Sending love hugs to all xx


My husbands birthday on thursday … me snd kids and grandkids going for a meal to toast him … he was with us last year … it was his 60th birthday :frowning: my very brave man … making me emotional thinking about it xx


@Deb5 hope you manage to enjoy the day with your family and share some lovely memories. X


So sorry to you all for your loss. Love and hugs to you all. Take care of you xxxx


Sending hugs xx

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Thanks @Jan17 i hope so :slight_smile: xxx

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Sending love & strength to you & your family.
My Derek was 59 when he passed away & I organised a meal in a local restaurant to celebrate what would have been his 60th, August 2020, we were still in Covid restrictions so was a bit limited as to what we could do.
I was glad we marked it although we couldn’t do what he & I had planned before he passed suddenly. He had wanted to celebrate in Spain with family & best friends, where we were going to retire to in fact we would have already moved. At that time travel wasn’t possible so I couldn’t carry out his wish, but we had as good a day as we could under the rules.
When I look back grieving during the isolation of Covid was very hard without the emotional support & it enabled me to shut myself away, probably not the best thing but I also didn’t have the pressure of doing things & going places.
I know it’ll be a bittersweet day for you but he will be with you all as you remember him & celebrate him :heart:

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Thsnk you do much @Jodel712 for your kind words. I hope its a nice evening :slight_smile: sure i will cry though, but will try enjoy it too with our children and grandchildren because it is what he would want xxx

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