Wishing you a Happy New Year MAM wherever you are. I miss you so very much. I cannot imagine going into next year without you. The pain is indescribable. I want to sleep and never wake up. I am feeling so desperate now. I just want to be with you. Please visit me. PLEASE MAM. I wish I could visit you in the chapel of rest. I’ve been asking Simon for the password to your tribute site so I can go in and edit the images and he won’t give it to me. I don’t know why. It’s cruel. I’ve been asking for 2 weeks now. I wanted to finish it for you. I look at your pictures and cannot stop crying. I miss you so much mam I can’t bear it

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Hiya Jss, I’ve had an awful night and am so overwhelmed with missing my mam that I’m not even angry that my sister’s husband is simply refusing to give me the code or password to edit the site. He was their contact when sorting stuff out. This was something I could do - add the montage and album pics. It’s not hard. I use computers and built my own website. I’m the only one who has posted on it. I’m so upset and furious because he’s just avoiding giving it to me using lame excuses. I’ve already e-mailed the coop directly so should be able to finish it when they return back to work. Why would he do that to me knowing how upset I am? Cruel. I’ve had to take a sleeping tablet just to stop me from crying. Nobody rang me either wishing me a happy new year. Nobody is celebrating. I sent texts out to all and got replies. I always phoned mam at 12 and she’d be waiting, or she would phone me. I’ve lost the most precious person in my life. I don’t understand how to navigate without her. I don’t want to wake up in the morning. I want to join her dancing in her beautiful garden, surrounded by her family and all of our lovely cats who have passed on. Happy New Year to you all xxx

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