Hard grief day.

Hello to anyone that reads this🙏
Just needing to write away to help myself a little as I’m having a really hard day.
It’s soon coming upto my daughter’s birthday and day she passed. I still can’t bring myself to register her death. As time passes i feel more sad if that’s possible. Not sure how life will be without one of my children , my eldest. Only just 28. I’m sure many of you can relate to the heaviness that we carry but also I feel empty. Half the person I was. I’ve just become a grandmother in the last 8 weeks, my granddaughter is beautiful but is such mixed emotions as she will never meet her aunty. My auntie passed on Monday. That relationship was strained but she looked after me for the first 10 months of my life.My family is so complicated , I feel I have lost my way and don’t know who I am anymore.

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So sorry, words are useless. Sending you love :heart: and hugs x

Thank you, I know there are no words. I appreciate you sending a message :white_heart:x

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It’s the worse feeling in the world, I’m either okish or completely overwhelmed and unable to put a sentence together. The only thing I can say is to me, grief runs alongside love , I loved with all my heart, I’m now grieving with all of my heart, I also lost my big sister 2 days before my daughter, the funerals are taking place one day apart from each other, I genuinely don’t know how that’s going to be.

I think we have to ‘allow’ ourselves to cry, rage, sob- I get fed up of people telling me I’m strong , I’m not at all. However , if I need to cry, I cry, I also allow myself to be occupied by a bit of gardening or whatever. Grief is just as personal as loving, you have to gently feel your own personal path through it.

My heart truly goes out to you, no parent should lose a child xx


So sorry for all your pain x

I resonate so much of what you have written. I get so angry when told I’m strong, I have no choice but to stand up face forward and one foot in front the other.
I’m so sorry you have lost your daughter and sister. Sending you healing hugs and be kind to yourself. Baby steps and one day at a time. Xxx