Harder each day

Hello, you are bound to be feeling numb. Glad you found this site, it has been my salvation being able to talk to people who understand because we’re all on the same journey. Six weeks for me, it was also sudden.
Everyone says the same, one step at a time, just getting through the next hour for now.
Hugs xx


@Willow112 thank you. I got told about sue ryder and came across the site. I find comfort in looking at his photos but stil doesnt seem real even though i know it is as i was the one who found him but the enormity hasnt hit me yet and just feel empty. Thank you for replying :heart:

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I find it helped me to tell his story on here. People were very kind. You can say, or not say anything you like here. Everyone understands, nobody judges. Xx

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Saw Lou I’ve done the same as you. So hard to phone all those people and say the same thing over and over. To hear the sorry for your loss. I hate having to take his name off things and put them in mine. I wish we didn’t have to do that. It upsets me so much


Sorry Saz Lou I misspelled your name unintentionally


@Woolly thats ok :grin:
I know what you mean i did last of the phone calls today and it ripped me apart. But i will make sure with everything i am he will not be forgottten (the constant repeating yourself the same thing that rips your heart is making me more determined to keep his memories alive)