Have to choose the music today

Genie 1,

The choice is entirely yours, you can have more than one song we did.
Three little birds by Bob Marley, this is what she picked years ago for our three children, all adults now.
Then at the crem, Angels instrumental, I
I’ll see you in my dreams - Bruce Springsteen
Followed by stairway to heaven as we left.

I feel we did her proud.

And that is what you need to think songs etc that mean things to both of you.


Totally understand this one, I felt the pressure of making the right choice as my husband died suddenly at 52 so we’d never even thought about discussing music. He loved his tunes so ai was desparate to get it right whilst also trying to make appropriate for his family. Difficult balance x

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It is you aware correct , my children really did it for me, well for their mum and I know she would have been proud how it went.

It must be very difficult if you have no help, all the pressure would be immense but these are important decisions that have to be made during a period of true grief.


I have had to inform the funeral director so had to make my mind up. I chose two peaceful pieces for the first two but decided Songbird was maybe too far the third so I chose another Eva Cassidy which I know he liked and is less likely to have everyone in floods. I can’t please everyone but I hope my partner would have liked the music I’ve chosen.


I’m sure whatever you have chosen will be just perfect

X x

Hi Genie1, I went through this process in May, I’m 53 and my husband was only just 58 and we had no funeral planning done.
The fact you chose the music with such care and consideration would please him very much x

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He always said he wanted a ride sex pistols song but I couldn’t do that .,I chose some of his favourites and our song I I guess why they call it the blues by Elton John

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When no plans are in place you just have to do what you feel is correct.

I went to a funeral of my good friend a few years and the exit song was my way by Sid vicious the full version.

It was exactly how he played his life drank too much killed him , his Knick name was even Sid.