healing the soul

There are few things that can clear your head and lift you from the here and now even for a short while. Music does it for me, I can’t play or sing but I appreciate almost all forms of music. When I’m particularly melancholy this Choral group, Libera, gives me peace. Perfection. Here hopefully is a link for a sample. I how their songs work for you too.

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Music has been a fantastic help to me, as Music Heals the Savage Breast, as the saying goes. So I joined a banjo group, and a choir, plus bought some keyboards. It gives me great joy, and loads of new friendships.
But then I heard this, https://youtu.be/Cnfj6QCGLyA?si=08SBoZE40MsMHp8B

I realised I need a flute in my life! So I bought one, found a flute coach and now learning fast.
I enjoy every minute, and it has brought even more friends into my life.

The first time I ever saw my future wife, it was like Some Enchanted Evening, from South Pacific. I’ve promised myself (and her) that I will eventually play it to her🥰

I admire your resolve to learn and enjoy Tykey. At some point when things are more settled for me I hope to join a choir and I’ve always wanted to learn the piano so maybe that’s on the horizon as well when I have too much time to fill. New skills keep our brains active even if our hearts are more than a little bruised. I hope learning the flute gives you joy and you get to play to your wife. In my head I’m imagining buying a set of drums too…I guess my next house needs to be in the countryside🙂.

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In my head I’m thinking of playing the bagpipes, so that means I have to join you in the countryside.

You’ll no doubt be very welcome in the countryside…if you leave the bagpipes behind. Thanks for the smile :smile: take care. Val