Health Ombudsman Complaint

Hi I hope you all managed to get through the festive season ok. It was my first without my mum and to be honest a lot of it is a blur!

I did a PALs complaint around the events of my mum’s death and got a response around October. A lot of what is written is not true. There are lots of inconsistencies about events leading up to my mum’s passing. It has taken me a while to face it, but yesterday I started writing to the health Ombudsman as I am not satisfied with the liars around events. I am finding this so hard and have been piecing it together! Over the last 2 days I have felt like a ball of anxiety in my chest. I want to complete it and try and get some justice, but it is so hard. Does anyone have any ideas how I can support myself through completing this?

Thank you in advance to any supporting suggestions.


I’m sorry about the lack of care shown.
I can only say trust your instincts.
I’m doing the same about the care my hubby received & the lack of information he was presented with to make an informed decision. Best of luck to you x

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Apologies thank you for your response. I am so sorry to hear that you are having to face this too. It is the last thing we need, it is hard enough grieving without the added heartbreak of compiling complaints.

Hope you have got on ok with your complaint. Still have not completed mine. Struggling to finish.

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Hi @Shelly2 I too have been going thru this for my Dad. I sent my complaint last day in November & then had to fill a form in to give the hospital permission to investigate. I found the letter to PALS strangely cathartic, as I voiced my concerns about the care he received. Not sure what will be the findings but I am expecting the usual scripted codswallop. I’m glad I’m not the only one in this & I’m sorry you too had unnecessary grief. I’d say that you have to compartmentalise or it colours the time you had with your mum. Take time out from it to concentrate on your own wellbeing. Being ill thru stress helps no one. Take care x

Hi Cee

As you said it is glad to know you are not alone with putting a complaint into PALS. I really hope you get an honest and accurate reply from them. To be honest mine was full of lies and inaccuracies. They gave a wrong timeline of when mum got salmonella poisoning and denied that she had it! When I had been told by 3 members of staff she had, including the Sister of the ward. Additionally they said mum was delirious throughout her time in hospital! Which was not the case. She was talking to all her family ect.

It does not help that my husband and I have also had to move out of the family home. Where I have lived for over 40 years on and off. The local authority would re house us but into a 1 Bedroom property as we are over occupying. So we have had to move out of London into a house that we can rehome all our furniture ect!

Thank you for your advice Cee it really helps to get things out and write to people in similar situations.

Take care of yourself


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