
Has anyone elses physical health really deteriorated since loosing their loved one? Its been almost 2 months since i lost my partner. I feel like as soon as i recover from one thing im ill again a few days later. Im not sure wether its lack of sleep combined with not eating properly but its really draining me just wondering if anyone else is like this


Yes mine has declined since my husband died. As you said partly not sleeping well, also feel physically and mentally tired, not being able to think straight. Struggling with motivation.
I’ve had more GP and consultant appointments in the last two years, than I’ve had in the last ten years.


Yes my blood pressure has shot up and now on more medication for my high blood pressure and also have a flare up of psoriasis on my face. The shock and the stress to your body is bound to affect your health and wellbeing. Take care xx


Yes my blood pressure is high too and cholesterol and pre diabetic. Probably rubbish diet, not being bothered to cook proper meals for one. I’m on medication now for BP. I also have vertigo which has got worse with stress and anxiety which seems to bring it on. Not to mention my arthritic knees and a prolapse. Falling apart slowly.


Yes! I have a constant cold and cough and I seem to have developed a tremor!! If I’m just sitting quietly, my head starts to nod and my hands shake. And the pain in my chest! What is that? Then the concentration - or lack of it I should say! Tears constantly bubbling under the surface… I’m a wreck! And having to constantly pretend I’m fine and life is normal is becoming harder and harder xx


Yes I’ve never had so much illness since my husband died 17 months ago. I think it’s a combination of grief, stress, sleepless nights, poor diet and loneliness. It’s bound to play havoc with our immune systems.


Hi there SJ_e00 I think you have your answer. grief is terrible and does affect us deeply. I hadn’t seen a GP for over 15 years and never been in hospital or had an appointment yet very soon after losing my husband I was taken ill. My BP had gone up and the GP wanted to give me tablets but I was having none of it. What did they expect I had been nursing my husband and watched him slowly die. I ended up in hospital twice and told them that it was a broken heart I was suffering from. I received very patronising looks but it is now accepted as a medical condition. It was the kick up the bum I needed though and having been a healthy eater with an active lifestyle I sorted myself out again and BP corrected itself.
You don’t have to cook for one, I don’t, I cook for a number of days and some goes in the fridge and some in the freezer. So there is no excuse.


Hi sj_c00
I feel exactly the same way I cannot seem to get out of this circle thinking every day I feel something is wrong with me illness wise and it is draining I often have a chat with my hubby whom I lost 6 month ago that just brings me comfort :heart: and I said to him the other night I am sick of feeling unwell am sick of hearing it to myself and sick constantly thinking this way :frowning:


Yes mine has since loosing my gorgeous fantastic wife sue to pancreatic cancer.diabetes is all over the place. Asthma which is possibly turning to copd


Hi Paddidot
I work full time which is a very physical job in a print room. By the time I get home from work cooking is the last thing I want to do, I’m often exhausted which I do put down to grief, got no loving husband at home greeting me with a cup of tea and a hug. Throwing a salad together or beans on toast is an easy option. My weekends are full of other jobs that need doing, food shop, housework and gardening now it’s summer. I don’t drive, shopping takes so much longer on a bus.
I do occasionally batch cook, mainly in the school holidays when I have more time.
I wish you wouldn’t dismiss medication out of hand, not everything is down to grief it might just help a person’s health and wellbeing, it might keep them alive. My husband wouldn’t have been with me as long as he did if it wasn’t for medication and the wonderful doctors, nurses and our GP that cared for him.
Debbie x


Hi, since my husband died 20months ago ,I have refused to go to DR with any of my ailments . What I have had a few. I also never went for any check ups . Last Friday I woke to my hand being numb also pins and needles in it . Through the day at work it affected my arm and part of my body. I still just thought it would go away . By the Tuesday it was only my hand . Long story short. I ended up at walk in centre, I had to have a CT scan ,then the next day I had to go to emergency day care,they wanted to give me a MRI scan
But I was unable to do it , panicked with my breathing and heart racing .they thought it might be a stroke I had or start of MS. Luckily they couldn’t see any problem with the CT scan .I still have the numb hand and if it gets worse I have to go back . I found all this so hard to do without the support from my husband .but I have realised I must try and look after myself better. I’m not scared of dying .but terrified of being left unable to look after myself . All xtake carex


Been getting pins and needles in my right it looks like ringing the doctors monday morning now .Been happening for a couple of weeks now


Hi ,yes it is my right hand , so at first I wasn’t concerned, please do ring the DR . They still don’t know what’s causing it , it feels so strange , I can pick things up with it and they have no weight. Please let me know how you get on .xtake carex


Sorry Debbie , I am not dismissing drugs completely but I think they are greatly over prescribed. We went down the road of Natural therapy because we couldn’t get any help from the NHS or Macmillan. My husband lived for years longer than expected and amazed the Doctors but when they started giving him drugs he was dead within the year. I can’t prove anything though so I have to live ith my own thoughts on the matter. I don’t take medication and never have, always choosing to use natural substances and keep active. The Doctors will say ‘How lucky I am’ I’m not lucky I work at it. I have friends who take bucketloads of medication yet are always ill. But each to their own.
Take care.


Hi, I’m still having health issues, had a really bad chest infection for two weeks in bed most of the time . I had to go for blood test yesterday, nothing to do with chest infection . About my hand arm issues. Anyway got blood took ,then nurse started going on at me about me not having my (woman’s check ups ) I told her I didn’t want them , if I have any start or sort of cancer ,I don’t want to known.i won’t have treatment ,then she asked me if I had a husband ,of course the flood gates opened then and I was sobbing ,I explained he died 20 months ago , and I have gave up on myself , but did tell her I wasn’t suicidal or depressed, just hate this fxxxx life, her answer I need to get antidepressants tablets from DR, and tried to guilt trip me on how my kids and grandkids would feel if they new how down I felt .they don’t know I put on the best act ever in front of them . I refused any antidepressants,but I have to go back in two weeks time to get my blood pressure checked, I can just imagine how high that will be ,I’m dreading going , why do the think antidepressants are the answer, I have managed the last 20 months without them , just had to get this off my chest with people that do understand, xtake carex


Bless you Broken2222 It just beggars belief how this bereavement lark affects you especially physically I like you got a chest infection now am having to go for a chest x-ray which am already diagnosing myself with bloody Lung Cancer as loosing my hubby 7 month ago has knocked the stuffing out me developing no confidence at all and seems to exist dwelling on everything negative I actually said to the nurse yesterday am sick of hearing myself whinge but I cant help it on which she said I know its easy for me to say but etc etc and all I thought was am sick of people saying this same thing :frowning: As for the antidepressants thing it annoys me thinking that these are always the answer :roll_eyes: Good one you getting it off your chest we do understand take care xx


@Woman-50 , I know I seem to overthink everything now, it’s awful feeling poorly and not having our husband’s with us to bring a bit comfort and caring , it seems as well everyone else seems to know what’s best for us , when we know how we feel and all the reasons for feeling that way . Hopefully your x-ray goes ok . try not to overthink ,I know easier said than done but I do understand , it’s really only the ones who has lost their partners that do . Xtake carex


Broken2222 Thank you I am trying as yes we all know how it goes :pray: If my hubby had been here he would have certainly been giving that comfort to me actually making me feel better within my mindset but funnily enough no matter how many times family or friends try it’s just not the same :frowning:
Take care xx