Hearing husbands voice

Hi I lost my husband just over 2 weeks ago to cancer aged 45 I nursed him at home last night I was in bed and just going off to sleep and I heard him call my name I knew it was his voice and called me by the nick name he always did. Has anyone else experienced this am I going mad I then had a dream after of him in his last minutes again taking his last breath I don’t know what to think of it was he visiting me ?


Hi Lucy,

I am so sorry for your loss and at such a young age. Your pain must be horrendous.

No, you are not going mad. It’s perfectly normal. My wife died on the 7th of October and about ten days ago I woke up to feel her giving me a cuddle. It was definitely Lillian and I wasn’t dreaming. She didn’t speak but I knew it was her. She always said she would come back and somehow she did.

I didn’t believe in this kind of thing before it happened to me but now I do believe that there is some kind of existence after a loved one passes away.

When you have loved someone so strongly and so deeply it can’t just end and suddenly not exist. Our loved ones live on within us and I believe that was your husband coming back to you.

Take comfort from him coming to visit you. He is still around and always will be. They never truly leave us.


I’m sorry for your loss too it’s all so heartbreaking and I’m so glad you have experienced something similar, I said to him before he passed if you can come back please do but not to make me jump at night I guess that was the last laugh for him wait for it to be quiet, it was a real comfort to hear him and it’s nice to know there still looking down on us.


Lucy, a few days after my husband died, I heard him call our dog’s name clear as a bell. Even the dog responded, stopped digging a hole, and looked up at the balcony where my husband would stand to watch us play in the yard. Then he looked at me and tilted his head like “where is he?”. It is real.

I found my husband at 3:33p. Every day at that time, his watch chimes although it is now officially 2:33p due to the change in time. Every day. There was no reason whatsoever for him to ever set his watch to chime at that time, but here we are.

Our dearly departed make contact, it is true. Be grateful to have had this experience. Your husband is there. Keep talking to him.

Much love.


I think you did hear your spouse and I hope it gave you some comfort.

There’s a book, Hello from Heaven, an older book by author Guggenheim and he documents after death communications such as this. This is one way they do come back, among others.


I heard my wife in the night, I wasn’t dreaming about her or anything, it was clear as a whistle and I woke up!! Normally I’m a deep sleeper even in grief… I’m a believer in a spirit and often feel my wife guiding me and telling me what I should do…… call it crazy but it pulls me through some days. Other days I still cry like it’s just happened……


Lucy280883 I had the same thing happen to me, I was lying in bed and clearly heard him say my name, it happened twice. I was not asleep so it wasn’t a dream. It happened a few days after he died.
It has not happened since, I wish i had answered him when it happened but for some reason i just carried on lying there, I think I was waiting listening to see if anymore was said but it was just my name. At least I have that. X

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@Nancy123 The book has arrived and I’m reading it now. Amazing. Made me realise just how many communications I have received in the past, many of them being warnings, too.
Thanks for recommending it.

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You’re welcome. Glad it’s helping.