Heartache and numbness

This is the first time I have added my thoughts and feelings. I lost my dearest husband on New Year’s Eve 2020 after being together for40 years. He was taken ill suddenly in August. I looked after him at home for 2 months (Oct/ Nov) but then he got an infection in the wound where he had the operation. He never really gort over the operation. It was life changing as he was bedbound. He was so unhappy with what had happened to him.
He was in hospital all of December and I was grateful I could visit him daily this time but I cannot put into words the sadness, heartache and numbness this brings to me. It feels as if I am reliving these months now and it is so hard. I feel blessed to love such a

wonderful man.


Hiya.mary lost my husband November 11thj 2020 I know what your going through it’s bad but I have 2wonderfull children and a gorgeous granddaughter who keeps me going you take care lv annie x

Thank you Annie. Yes my family are so supportive but I suddenly get overwhelmed with everything.

I that’s normal Mary lv annie