
I’m Angie, I lost my partner suddenly on the 16th of November. Sadly it was myself that found him. He died of a massive heart attack. To say that I’m devastated is an understatement. I just can’t believe it. I didn’t get to say goodbye and just feel heartbroken. We were together for 2 1/2 years. He was taken too soon. How we I ever get through this?

Hello, Angie.
I am very sorry that you lost your partner, suddenly, I was in similar circumstances, last August, I found my dearest husband, dead on our bedroom floor. The shock does something to us, doesn’t it? I don’t know about you, Angie, but shock brings physical symptoms too. I have always had a good memory, but since Stan passed away, I can’t remember a thing. You will get through it, the good and kind people who make up this excellent forum, will make sure of that.
I know you will not feel like celebrating the New Year, but I wish you all the best for a Peaceful New Year.
Be kind to yourself,
Love and Blessings,

Thank you, yes shock does the strangest of things. Sorry for your loss also.

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Thank you, Chris. x

Hi Mary, I’m Angie. Chris was my partner’s name. I didn’t realise that I’d been seen as Chris. Silly me not very good with technology xxx

Hello, Angie.
See what I mean? I say and do the daftest things, I am 80 years old though, maybe that is my excuse.:wink: I hope that you feel better, soon. Another daft thing, I have said.

Hi Angie, I know exactly how you feel I lost the love of my life on the 14th Nov to a sudden heart attack the same as your Chris. I didn’t get the chance to say goodbye either and it haunts me :cry: we were only married 10 years after having spent years with other partners we found eachother and he was my world. Like you I don’t know how we will ever get through this, I can’t comprehend how the life we had together has been snatched away in the most awful way imaginable. Colin was the nicest, funniest, smartest man you could ever meet and he was mine :sob: I will never get over this, it may become more bearable in time but at this moment I can’t see me ever feeling any better
V xx