Heartbroken ๐Ÿ’” ๐Ÿ˜ž

I lost my father-in-law in June this year and lost my owner from my work a couple of weeks ago been struggling to cope and have lost my appetite, feel like Iโ€™ll never get back to a normal life.

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Your life as it was has changed because you have lost two people who were important to you, and it is completely normal that you are struggling.
Grief does affect us in many different ways and loss of appetite is not uncommon. I hope that you are still able to make yourself eat. Someone once told me that grieving is hard work, and I found that to be true. It takes al ot of energy to deal with the emotions and good nutritrion and sleep are important to help you through it. Talking to people who understand what you are going through can be very helpful to. Do you have family members or good friends you can turn to?
It is good that you have joined this online community. I hope that reading orher peopleโ€™s posts and replies will bring you some comfort. xx Jo

Yeah it does help, my family and friends have been worried about me not eating, I didnโ€™t know if it was a common thing not eating, Iโ€™ve tried to eat but itโ€™s so hard. I feel like Iโ€™m never going to get through this.

Here are two links for you to pages that explain some physical symptoms to grief, including lack of appetite: https://www.mariecurie.org.uk/help/support/bereaved-family-friends/dealing-grief/looking-after-yourself and https://www.cruse.org.uk/understanding-grief/effects-of-grief/physical-effects-of-grief/
As you will see when you read these articles, there are things you can try and things others can do to help you. If you are unable to eat, than your family and friends are right to be concerned. They obviously care about you. If you continue to have problems eating, it would be good to ask your GP for some advice.

Thank you so much for the links, thank you for the advice.

I feel the same but i did not lose my father. It is extreamly hard still for me so i hope you feel better and see he in in a better place.

I really am finding this month to cope , my emotions are sky high as just canโ€™t stop crying. I find it harder when Iโ€™m at home.

Plus this will be my first Christmas without my father in law and Iโ€™m finding it hard as Iโ€™m not coping at all.