
Hi, joined to try get help in my grief. Lost my Mam, my best friend 6 weeks ago. I was her carer aswell.so with her 5 days a week for the last 3years. I still carnt believe she’s gone, she was everything to me I adored her. Just don’t know what to do with myself.


I am so sorry for your lost. I lost my my Mum in March, we were joined at the hip and I cared for her and we always lived together. It truly feels like your heart has been ripped out doesn’t it?

I hope you have people around you to support you. Losing a parent, whatever age or circumstances is beyond comprehension until you experience I think.

There is a thread on the forum ‘created a shrine for my mam’ - I have found this to be massively supportive and helpful. And you can be yourself and totally say how you feel.

Be kind to yourself and please write more here if it helps, I find it does

Beki x

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Thankyou for your kind words, I’m finding it even harder as I was away when my mam passed away, I tried to get back in time but didn’t make it. Thankfully my siblings were with her but just carnt except that I wasn’t there at the end after caring for her for years, just so cruel

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I’m so sorry you did get to be there but take comfort of all the time you were there, when she needed you the most and how important that will have been to her.

Cruel is a word I use a lot in terms of losing Mum. Cruel to her, she didn’t get the retirement or life she deserved, cruel to me, cruel to extended family. Our family have been through a number of tragic deaths, like haven’t we filled our cruel quota! Then I try to remember all the good that happened and blessing of us being mother and daughter and best friends. As people say grief is just love with no where to go. The move you love the harder you grieve. And the love is still there - it always will be, it will never diminish

Yes that’s so true @Beki, I say my life will never be the same without my precious Mam I have to try and live a different life without her but omg it’s so hard. She’s on my mind first thing when I wake up in a morning when my heart sinks when I think another day to get through, and last thing at night. We both know our beloved Mams wouldn’t want us to be like this but doesn’t change how hard it is. I’ve been listening to podcasts with Julia samual she’s a grief counsellor she’s fantastic. Maybe try listening to her

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Hi Jane

I have used the Grief Works app that Julia Samuel developed. It does cost to subscribe to it but I have felt it helps. Also Megan Divine on facebook ‘Refuge In Grief’ and her books and journals.

Am going through a particularly rough patch at the moment at the moment and just want it to be over but trying to muddle through.

Feel free to chat to me here or dm if it helps

Beki x

Thanks yes same to you aswell xxx

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