
It’s one month since my husband passed away. He went to doctors in January but they said there was nothing wrong. We were back and forth, he said the pain in stomach was 10/10 they prescribed co-codamal. I told them it was not touching the pain but they just dismissed us time and time again. Went to urgent care they sent us home, went to AE they said it was not a emergency. We were at a loss. Eventually he had a scan and he had stage 4 cancer, there was nothing they could do. He was in hospital for a week and then I said I will take him home. He died one week later. We were together 28 years. I am so so lost without him. The silence is deafening. I am so in shock, never ever thought that he would die when we originally went. I tried every available avenue to get him help. I am so so sorry Eric. X X Devastated :sob::sob::sob:


So sorry christine .4 weeks for me too so totally understand how you feel .You are not alone live and a big hug xx


Sorry mean love xx

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@Christine4 sorry you have suffered such heartache. I too feel that if I’d somehow done “ more” then my beloved would be sat here with me today . In fact the evening before he died I called 111 because he didn’t look quite “ right “ . Nothing specific but a bit off . They advised him to take some ibuprofen and go to the gp the next day. Unfortunately in the gp surgery he suffered cardiac arrest which snatched his life away and I am broken. I also feel that we were not given the right advice on the phone and this torments be :cry:


So so sorry for your loss, it’s absolutely heartbreaking. Sending you love X X


@Christine4 thank you for your kind words. I will never know if we were badly advised by the 111 call but maybe this was going to happen anyway :broken_heart:


I’m so sorry. 4 weeks for me since Janine died and I totally understand what you mean about the silence

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Hi all. Much the same for me. Paramedics saying just a stomach bug , go to the chemist and buy buscopan. Passed away 2 days later from internal bleeding. 2 months on and I’m still distraught. Never thought life could feel so utterly painful and sad. I hate it. I want to be positive but just can’t. I want someone to be held responsible but I haven’t got the strength to fight when it won’t bring them back. The odd easier day now but I know the harder days are just waiting in the wings to hit back again like today.

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@Tiffany im so sorry that you are going through such an ordeal. There really are no words adequate to convey how badly let down you must be feeling by professionals who ought to know better. Sending love xx💔

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I’m so sorry to read this. My heart goes out to you. Sending hugs

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Christine, I am so sorry for the loss of your Eric. You have nothing to apologise for, as you say, you did your best for him. Myvhusband passed just over 10 weeks ago, his cancer went undiagnosed for 4 years despite regular test because of symptoms he was experiencing. I wish id fought as hard for him as I did when the prognisis was that he was incurable with weeks to live, despite all of the treatment he received. Im so sorry his pain was not taken seriously and that you both faced such an awful battle to get your voices heard. You sound like a lovely, caring and devoted wife who did all you can. For me personally, the shock hit me on Sunday, the day after what would have been his birthday. It was savage. I think we need to come to terms with and deal with the shick before the grief even begins to set in. Every second of every day changes, emotions feel so different from one minute to the next and all we can do is go with the flow because the loss of our loved one is out of our control. I wish my Mick had not endured 8 years of sufferring, only receiving treatment for the last 4 years which didnt cure the cancer. My heart goes out to you for your loss and devastation. Sending love :heart:

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I’m so sorry for your loss and can’t comprehend how let down you must feel, about a system that was created to save his life, ultimately letting him down so much.

This is heartbreaking to read and I’m so sorry that you are going through this.

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