
I can’t sleep for more than 2 hours at a time. I find I am getting up at 5 a.m. I need to be up for 07:30 as that is when my carers come in to help me shower. It was the only time I could get as my husband was my carer. Really need more care but can’t afford it until probate is done. The paperwork us still in progress and then probably 16 weeks before money can be passed to my financial advisor to create an income for me. Financial stress on top of grief. No wonder I can’t sleep. Can’t have pills due to medical condition. But all in same boat as far as grief is concerned. Xx

@Pudding yes, probate is all backlogged apparently, 16 weeks to get grant of probate and my solicitor has said it’ll take around 7 months to complete everything. I’m ok financially without it, thank god, but I feel for you.

Sandra feel for all of you and your pain is so raw and new. Tonight is the 2 year anniversary when my partner Alan passed away from covid unfort I survived. It doesn’t get easier but down t line some days you get pleasure fm small things, for me it’s my dogs but it is only a short respite cos that physical weight in your chest never leaves not that I would want it too. I just can’t wait for t day I lay beside him again, I feel guilty for my family but selfishly it would be a relief.

I understand how you feel, My son died on the 17th July 2023/at 1.50pm . My Husband and myself were lucky to be there and hold his hands . It was all so sudden, after I spoke to him on his mobile in the morning I had a idea . He said his arm was hurting bad,it was normal for us to visit him at 3 pm in hospital. But I said to him We are coming, we got there at 11am . It surprised the nurses how quick it was, we were glad we were there for him. So it was so nice for you to be with her. She is at peace now and no more pain.
Bless you

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My husband died 4 weeks ago. I am unable to watch tv too just seem to sit and mull over everything and try to make sense of it. I have however been listening to audiobooks that I download on my iphone for free from my local library. I listen day and night often having to rewind and listen again as my mind drifts off. It helps me especially at night when everything is so much worse.

My husband died end of May 2023. I cry everyday too. He had 2 years of ill health before he died so he is at peace now but I miss him so miss.

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Thinking of you ,it is hard

My husband also died in may 2023 I miss him so much, everything I do I want him there with me x