
I lost my beautiful wife on 05/08/23 in the early hours in hospice. I was sole carer for almost three months in her regressing state and the hospice were my blessing in the last two weeks. I held her dying in my hands and I am never going to be the same again. She was and will always be my soul mate, only best friend, lover, confident and partner in everything together. I’m devastated and now still arranging a memorial service for her next week. The hurt is sickening till in my guts. She was my purpose in life. It’s going to be a very long haul to get through. I do have my sister from abroad that’s come to give more support. I am very grateful to her. Heartbroken is an understatement ! :broken_heart:


@MajorDad totally understand what you’re going through, it’s so very hard. Sending hugs and love :broken_heart:xxx


I lost my darling husband 2 months ago. I adored him with all my heart. I try to be thankful for all the loving years we had but my heart is broken in two and cant face the world knowing I will have to live without him Take care Sending hugs I know what you are going through x


Majordad, sending hugs and strength. Tough times, im only a couple of weeks ahead of you. And similar circumstances, nursed by husband these last months, he died 17th July. My soulmate. We have to carry on somehow because they cannot. Survive in their memory. Take strength from everyone here to get through tough times, minutes, hours, days. X


I loved my husband with all my heart can’t cope with life without him x

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I worry that I can’t cope either. I can’t see the way forward yet.

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Hardest thing I have ever experienced everything else my husband was there to share with me x


I’m sorry for everyone’s losses. I’m struggling to cope, my husband died in June 2023 out of the blue. I feel sick every day and am completely heartbroken. Most of all I feel sad, lost and lonely

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Same here Kel, I’m lost, trying to keep busy in the days but the nights are so so hard. :broken_heart:

Like you my husband died June. I cry most days. I had so little notice. Diagnosed 26th may. Dead 6th June. I miss him so much. It is so lonely. The grief causes so many physical symptoms. I just wish I could sleep to get some release but so far getting very little. I can only say I am with you. Xx. Sandra

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Terribly sorry for your loss and I can understand your feelings. I lost my wife just two weeks ago today and my sister says she’s very proud I’m holding out ok. It might appear like this on the surface because we need to keep ourselves busy to handle the pain and heartache. I know that lost feeling too and I’m stressed about how the hell am I going to handle it. The nights before bed, it hits really hard! First thing in the morning too. Waking up during the night too, the mind overthinks and it starts all over again. I feel I want to just be on my own but that’s not always possible. I pray for Gods strength and read scripture, verses etc to give me courage. I pray you find solace in something similar. Try keeping busy but yes the lonely times are awful. My prayers are with you too.

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The nights are awful. The times you’d do nothing much but just be together are so empty. Love to everyone in our shoes.

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Yes, the nights are awful. We had our routines and favorite programmes to watch. My husband died 6 weeks ago and I’ve still not been able to watch anything or read my book. I just have no routine any more and spend most nights sobbing and looking at photos/videos etc. xxx

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My husband had an operation and died from a blood clot in his lung 5 weeks later. He was 36, I feel so completely lost without him and to make matters worse we had not even been in our new home a month when he passed. I tried CPR and paramedics tried for an hour too. It’s so hard to even function and now I’m facing a long inquest after a post mortem decided the operation was the cause of death.

Aww kel that’s just so awful, I really feel for you. Sending love and hugs. :heart:

The nights / evenings are the most emotional due to being the time we would be together. I miss simple things like little texts, voice notes, putting my arm over him in bed and his voice

I used to read a book in 4 days. I am still trying to finish one I started before he died. Can’t focus on anything that requires concentration.

Yes me too Kel and I spend hours listening to his voicemails, looking at photos, watching his videos etc. it does help, even though I sob so hard. I started a journal a couple of weeks after he passed and I find that helps. I do a brain dump every day onto paper. Xx

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I think this is what we all feel. The evenings/nights are worse even for someone like me who has been stuck in the house most of the time. Just before it was most of the time with him. Now it is all of the time alone.

I know I’m either faking being okay or in a dream and then waking having frequent nightmares, reliving the traumatic night. I can’t focus on anything, I’ve tried reading which I normally love but it’s just too challenging to concentrate on