
Hi I’m new here, I’ve read some of your stories there very heartfelt . I lost my first brother 16 years ago to suicide such a jolly person with alot to give to this world. My second brother I lost 1 year to alcoholism, he was a gem so kind, thoughtful and my 2 children idolized him, but he had his own demons. I feel I’m not grieving properly I blank everything out as if it’s not happening, I’m well aware subconsciously I’m doing this but I tried grieving with a therapist. I ended up in hospital three times all down to stress. So I’m just getting on the best I can. I’m lucky I have 1 sibling left and we are close. I feel as if my head is spinning can anyone give advice please and thank you :heart:

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I’m so sorry for the loss of your brothers, @Hrartbroken. With two such traumatic losses, it’s understandable you’re under so much stress.

You are not alone. You might want to connect with some of the members in this thread, who’ve also experienced the loss of a sibling due to addiction: Losing my sister to addiction

I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I just wanted to let you know that you’ve been heard.

Take care,

Thank you miss them so much :broken_heart:

Hello Heartbroken I am so sorry for your sad losses I lost my only sibling my beloved brother Feb 14th this year. I am also truly heartbroken. He used live here with me, we were great friends also I depended on him being younger, he died of Lung Cancer. Days and nights are so so long. You are correct to join this community, very kind helpful folk. I too live in Ireland Wishing u well.