Heartbroken 💔

Hello All……
Think I was a member on here in the past. I was widowed in 2012, lost my 14 year old Son in 2018 and 2 weeks ago (end of May) I was widowed again. Heartbroken :broken_heart:



I’m so sorry for your losses, devastated for you :purple_heart:

I hope you have a good support network around you.

Sending you love and hugs :hugs:

Hi thanku for your reply. I have friends etc but from my past losses I know that sadly people carry on with their lives which I understand and we are left with the loneliness x


Yes people will carry on with their lives but if you want support and if they care for you they will be available. If that makes sense. I think people struggle to know what it say to people who are grieving as they don’t want to upset them xx

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I’m so sorry for all your losses.
I really don’t know how you come to terms with that.
I’m having big trouble trying to come to terms with losing just 1. I don’t think I ever will.
Please keep reaching out on here. As you know, we’re all here for the same reason so we all understand.

Sending you big hugs x

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Holly that is so tragic. I cant even imagine how hard it must be for you. You must be a strong person to have made it this far but you must ne wondering how you can take any more. My heart goes out to you x