
Hi everyone Hubby passed on Christmas day. I have so much time to think these days, even though he has gone he keeps me going. So much sorrow but also so much love. I look forward to better day’s. Hang in there.


Hi, very sorry to hear of your loss. There will be a future for you but it will be a different future. The only way I can think of it is that we came to a fork in the road and she went one way whilst I the other. I’m not very far down this unknown, and lonely, road yet but I’m sure there will be beautiful things to see and experience, just might take a while to reach them. Take care.


So sorry for your loss, it’s very early days for you. I found and still do that reading others stories and feelings help a lot, you realise that your own thoughts and feelings are normal.
Just take your own time is the best advice I can give, I lost my husband of 47 yrs on 01/05/23 and still cry every day, living alone being the hardest part.
Take your time and do whatever feels right for you, take care.


Hi everyone,
Thinking of you all, it’s not getting any easier for me. I’ve been off work since my partner died on 3rd Dec and I need to make a decision about whether to go back soon. I don’t know if it will be easier or harder. I get through day by day having ups and downs but I miss him so much and don’t know how this is going to get easier. We were together 18 years and i came home from work that day and found he had passed away at home with no warning signs this was going to happen. People do step back a bit after a while as they all have their own lives to live. Most of the time I feel like an empty shell and I’m so lonely. My dogs are keeping me going right now as they need me. Sending healing thoughts to you all x


Hiya. My gorgeous Alan died the week before Christmas. No warning whatsoever. Just as we were heading out of the door to go to work. My attempt at CPR was pitiful and, although the paramedics got his heart beating, it was too late and he took his final breath that evening. It was brutal and now feels like a dream, like it happened in another life. I was very unsure about going back to work too but it was the best thing I could have done. Finally I had a routine again. And lots of support. I have a brilliant life coach that they arranged for me and finally I am starting to feel like me again. I’m looking forward to the future. It’s not the one I thought I was getting but different doesn’t always mean bad. I just refuse to spend the next thirty years being miserable. I have come out of this a different person than I was before. Hopefully a nicer version but definitely someone who will make every day count. Doesn’t mean I don’t miss the old rocker though! But I think he’d proud of me. Take care x


@Vixen I found going back to work the best thing for me I only work part time which is great as I find grief exhausting… I have an extremely understanding boss and if I get sudden hit by the 100 ft wave of grief that sometimes can hit let’s me take myself away and calm . It means that for a few hours I don’t think about myself or my new life but think about what I am doing … it helps me but everyone is different I would say if you are going back do it sooner rather than later as I think we can overthink things in our position … best of luck with whatever you decide

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Hi Vixen,
Everyone is different as regards to work. It didnt count for me as a turned 66 and officially retired 8 days before my husband passed. As I worked in a very sheltered housing complex with elderly people I felt thankful I didn’t have to return to work, I would have been afraid I would be resentful of the tenants as they ranged from 50’s to 102.
I guess it does depend on the work you do or how you look at things, my friend whose husband passed a month after my husband took time off but felt relieved to go back to work as it was a distraction for her, she retires this May and might find that hard!
All I can advise is do what your gut feels is right for you and I wish you all the luck in the world, its a long , lonely process, this grief and each day is different and heartbreaking :broken_heart: :broken_heart:

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