Help 8 weeks post losing dad

Hi lost my dad to bile duct cancer 8 weeks ago we got 5 weeks from diagnosis to death I moved over to be with him 24/7 in hospice past 15 days and nights .My dad was my hero and my kids we are all lost I’m a single parent struggling to cope I’m a nurse can’t face going back to work lost my mum 18 yrs ago this pain feels unbearable I’m lost feel my heads gonna burst I can’t see me ever getting over this I want to do stupid things like go to the hospice he died in go to him room I can’t decide on anything in my mind everything is so confusing


I’m so sorry. :heart: I lost my dad a few weeks ago (I’m now, like you, orphaned). It’s hellish, I know, and I feel lost and adrift too, thinking this is impossible to cope with.

You’ll find that many here are mourning their dad and understand what you are going through, even if every grief is as unique as the person we’ve lost.