Help, advice, support most welcome

Hi there, I lost my Dad in June and since then it’s been an up and down journey. I helped care for him along with my mum and a great team of carers. I work as a carer myself, I have tried to seek an alternative role, but nothing appealed so have re-joined the care industry (although with a better company) but I’m still struggling and don’t know if it’s the situation, the job, I think I might have SAD and already have depression, so these also don’t help.

Hi Emma, I’m really sorry about the death of your Dad, it’s awful when you lose a parent and this time of year makes it all worse, everybody else is having a lovely time and enjoying themselves and you just feel in a big dark hole, I think it does get easier as time goes by, try and get out in the fresh air every day as nature is a great healer, I have a dog, and I had to get up and walk her every day, I didn’t want to but I always felt better when I got back. Sending love Jude x