Help?! Friends!?

Hi everyone.
I’m 22 years old and I’ve just lost my mum to cancer 3 weeks ago.
I don’t know how to deal with it. I know everyone deals with it differently but I feel like I’ve been ‘grieving’ since her diagnosis a year ago. Deep down I must have known it was bad when she told me and my brother and now that she’s passed I just feel numb. I don’t know what to do, I’ve got depression also which I think is making it worse. I have no motivation to do anything I love anymore. I’m just letting the days pass by, wasting them.


My mum passed away a year ago. I still get bad and ok days. I also get times where i just dont want to so anything. I totally get what your dealing with. I dont know if it will help but three wks is still so early. I was like that at three weeks aswell. My whole life had changed and i was lost. Do what u feel u need to do. I found i just did what i could to cope. I took each day at a time. Sometimes i would also just cope with each hour when it was bad.

Theres always ppl her that understand and are here to talk if you need them. I found coming on her like you have helped abit. I would say right now the no motivation you feel is normal. Do whatever you feel u need to do.

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